When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns


The Sheriffs who were elected to safeguard the citizens in their jurisdiction are currently under siege from the illegal alien invasion  from around the world.  Included in this immigration nightmare are terrorists and criminals who should not be allowed to come into this country.  This action was created by an invitation from the current President of the United States that has endangered the lives and property of the United States citizens who live in these border counties.  Local law enforcement is overwhelmed by the numbers of illegals.  Something must be done.


In the 1800s, sheriffs resorted to creating posses to track down and capture wanted criminals.  Today the criminals are the illegal immigrants entering our country.  It is time to bring back the posse to man the borders to prevent illegal entry into the United States.  These posse members with legal authority will be under the control and direction of each border sheriff.  Thousands of posse members will be needed and these sheriffs do not have the budget to support it, so it is time for the American public to help these elected officers of the law restore safe conditions for their residents.  This will take a lot of money.  One way to raise money is a go fund me account for the BORDER SHERIFFS’ POSSES.  Another way to support this posse is for each sheriff to use his website to designate one and more local banks to collect funds for this very expensive and needed action.  The illegals will want to find and turn themselves over to federal employees, so posse members should always try to stop the illegals first and return them back to Mexico.  Since the United States federal administration caused this problem, every effort should be made to financially support the Mexican government to return  immigrants to their country of origin if it is known hat this can be safely done.  If execution awaits an immigrants return, maybe the United Nations can do something useful for a change and help them.

Ernie Kanak

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