When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth—not propaganda (see 2/1/2018 post).


My book The Way I See It has more info on how to fix our government.  It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.


Once again school children were attacked for being alive and wanting an education. Once again government came up short by not using common sense to protect our children.  God help us that we must tolerate our ineffective political system to accomplish something very simple and this important.


Based on news reports—non mainstream—it appears that the Santa Fe, Texas school had implemented a program to protect the children, but they came up short. Why??  They apparently did not have perimeter security with restricted entry.  All schools must have a restricted entry perimeter security defense system.  Why is a perimeter defense system mandatory?  Quite simply it is because you cannot prevent something unless you know it is coming.  Perimeter security must warn the defenders of imminent danger in time to lock down the school and activate the defense before there is a single casualty except for the armed assailant.  The objective is to prevent the deaths of students and faculty—not minimizes the number of dead and wounded.


Despite two officers at the Santa Fe school,10 people were still killed. That is 10 people too many.  A perimeter fence system with fewer entry points can be defended.  If this perimeter is violated, then an alarm can be sounded and the killer’s entry and passage obstructed to buy time for the school locked-down system to work before the killer enters the school proper to kill.  With armed security on-site and TV surveillance, armed security can attack the persons who have violated the perimeter.  With electronic metal detectors at every perimeter entry point, guns can be detected.  In addition, motion detectors must monitor the entire perimeter so when someone throws something over the fence and/or tries to come over the fence, they are detected, an alarm is sounded and the violators are intercepted and stopped.  The hell with the cost and how it looks to the world, the important thing is how it works to stop the killing.


WE DON’T NEED ANY MORE STUPID LAWS THAT POLITICIANS PASS AND THE CRIMINALS AND KILLERS ALWAYS IGNORE. Banks have armed guards to protect their money while our children who are our future go unprotected.  If money is the problem, remove the security from the court system and sporting events so our children can be protected.  What is more important?  Why do our duplicitous politicians always want to punish law abiding Americans to deny the right to bear arms to be able to defend their families and themselves?   The true answer is to make a violent overthrow of our government much easier for the fascist/communist wannabes.



Ernie Kanak

No thank you