The Republican Convention is over and the Democratic Convention has begun.


There was much conjecture about a floor fight to nominate someone other than Donald Trump for President at the Republican convention. On TV, it looked like there was a feeble attempt to replace Mr. Trump and that is what it should have been—feeble.  It seems that for some politicians and pundits, Mr. Trump is not a conservative and should not run as the Republican Party candidate for President.  It does not matter if Mr. Trump is considered conservative enough because he has convinced many people that he is running to help the ordinary people of this country—not himself.  Have you noticed how many times he says thank you to others?  It is nice to continually hear him show respect and humility with his thank you.


Mr. Trump and his current and former wives have raised some very impressive children. They are an asset for him.  For super rich people, they appear to be very down to earth and not boorish and disgusting as many rich people can be.


As someone who became an independent after watching the stupid Republicans lose election after election before the Tea Party, it seems that the Republican Convention was improved and made more interesting by the absence of the so called “conservative” establishment Republicans that decided not to attend the convention. Too bad Senator Cruz didn’t do the same because while his speech was fairly good, his failure to live up to his pledge of support demonstrates that he is not a man of his word and thinks only about his future.  The rest of us can go to hell.  We don’t need another disastrous lawyer in the White House.  The message of the ordinary American speakers was more relevant than the bull crap you hear coming out of a politician’s mouth.


Most of the establishment Republicans wet their pants when confronted with taking a stand to support the people they are supposed to represent. Those Republicans who are willing to take a stand are not supported by the establishment Republican big government losers.  Those gutless Republicans are really RINOs and belong in another party.  It should also be noted that there might not be a Republican Party today were it not for the formation of the Tea Parties.  Sorry, it would still exist—all ten or eleven of them.


Now the issues:


During WW II, our tax rates were very high, but then we were fighting for survival. Sadly, we may be fighting for survival again, but the enemy is from within supported by a President who with unconstitutional executive orders appears to promote racism and anarchy.


To become more competitive internationally, the economists tell us our tax rates must be reduced. The Republicans support lower taxes to stimulate the economy while the Democrats want to raise taxes to pay for their vote buying free programs.  Obama’s regulation agenda is a major problem preventing economic growth.


If the super rich with their donations have bought so many politicians that they do not pay enough taxes—let the reform begin.


Outsourcing is a problem for Mr. Trump with apparently so many of his Trump personal clothing line manufactured abroad. He needs to fix that.


His import tax proposal is one way to remove the competitive advantage that cheaper labor and currency manipulation gives outsourcing. Americans must decide whether they would like to have a job and possibly pay more for items they want or do they want to avoid contributing to our economy and collect welfare and food stamps to buy cheap imported items?


When more than 50% of corporate profits are due to outsourcing, maybe a corporation needs to move to another country and take their chances that the laws in that country will afford them the same protection as those in this country. If most or all of their profits are from outsourcing, are they still an American company?  My vote is no.


We need a wall on our southern border to help reduce or eliminate illegal immigration, terrorist infiltration and illegal drugs. Temporarily stop all immigration from countries where terrorism is a problem.  This means that all travelers from Europe must now need a visa to come here.


Once someone comes here, our government must require monthly notification on their location to Homeland Security. We live in a computer age and there is no reason why these movements cannot be tracked efficiently. No stupid government excuses will be permitted.  Our government makes no attempt to account for non citizens in our country.  We do not want a police state and an email notification should suffice with mandatory deportation after a second violation.  Americans will not be safe until the rule of law is re-established in this country, so we must do what it constitutionally takes to restore it.


The current administration’s discrimination against Christians and Jews in favor of Muslims must be stopped.


If you are concerned that those politicians elected to the White House and Congress might ignore their campaign promises, then you should consider supporting the passage of The Accountability Amendment[1].


If you are concerned about the political bias of federal judges and Supreme Court Justices, you might consider supporting The Federal Judiciary Amendment which removes federal judge lifetime appointments and makes them run to be elected to a single ten year term[2].









[1] Ernest Kanak Jr.,, The Accountability Amendment blog posted 3/7/16

[2] Ernest Kanak jr.,, The Federal Judiciary Amendment blog posted 3/31/16

Ernie Kanak

No thank you