Now that the Democratic Convention is history, the general election campaign is on its way.


It is interesting to note that the Propaganda Press (mainstream media) coverage about how disruptive the Republican Party Convention was going to be compared to the smooth Democratic Party Convention was wrong. Ouch.  It didn’t work that way.  The disparaging Democratic emails released to the press caused problems for the Democrats.  Despite Bernie Sander’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton, all of his followers did not agree with him and demonstrated that opinion at the convention.  Were these negative events duly covered in the Propaganda Press?  Not likely enough if at all.


Mrs. Clinton stated that the United States military was the most powerful in the world. Really?  How can that be when its size will soon be reduced to pre World War II levels?  Doesn’t the world’s most powerful military have to have some size as well as technological excellence?  How can it be most powerful when airplane spare parts are scavenged from out-of-service aircraft to keep military aircraft in the air?  Are those recent military aircraft crashes related?  What is Mrs. Clinton smoking?


The latest freebie is free college at public colleges and universities for everyone. The idea that everyone needs a college education is ludicrous.  Is someone going to go to college to learn how to be a plumber, A/C technician, carpenter, auto mechanic or bricklayer?  Will the government discriminate against those people with no financial support?  If everyone goes to college, how will we build and repair cars, air conditioners, and homes?  Are the millennials that stupid?  I don’t think so.  Oh yes, now that student college debt exceeds one trillion dollars, Mrs. Clinton will likely propose forgiving student loan debt.  Why don’t they just call these programs the Democratic Party Buys Votes Programs?


Mrs. Clinton is a world government devotee and feels sorry for the poor illegal aliens that the Democrats want to convert into lifelong Democrats at American citizen expense. This means that there will be no deportation and citizenship is on the way.  More than half of the current immigrant families are receiving government aid.  Maybe she feels so sorry for immigrants that she will admit a billion more to this country.  Don’t worry about the impact and how to pay for this lunacy.  She is a lawyer and evidently does not believe in the Rule of Law just like Obama.  More anarchy, here we come if she is elected.


All Democrats want to use renewable energy instead of hydrocarbon fuels; therefore, why don’t all Democrats refuse to use any means of transportation that uses hydrocarbon fuels? Then they will not be able to fly in an airplane, drive an electric car when the car’s battery is recharged using power generated by burning hydrocarbon fuel, travel by train and heat or light their homes with any energy generated from the consumption of a hydrocarbon.  They must lead by example.  They will not do this because they are hypocrites.


On climate change, it has only been happening here on earth for three or four billion years. I wonder who caused all those fluctuations during that time?  Climate change is the latest world government scam being used to convince the people to accept more government controls that the political slobs—not elites—want us to swallow.


On a personal level, Mrs. Clinton and President Obama decided that Obama’s re-election was more important than the lives of four Americans, so these consummate liars who can lie to your face, then lied to the American public about the attack on our embassy in Benghazi. Obama thought so little about these men that he went on a re-election fund raising trip the next day. Can’t let something about the killing of four Americans interfere with a Presidential election, can we?  At least he did not go play golf like he did when an American was decapitated.  Oh yes, electing Mrs. Clinton would bring us more of the same.


On the former Secretary of State’s private server, she still insists that she did nothing wrong. If elected, the Russians and Chinese will use those missing emails to try to blackmail her into doing what they want.  Then we would have a President being blackmailed by a foreign power to do their bidding or they will spill the beans.  How does that sound American public?  If she does disregard the blackmail attempts and those emails are published, where does that leave us?


On the Republican side, Mr. Trump is demonstrating the billionaire ego mindset that everyone must kiss his butt because he has made so much money. He does not seem to be the only billionaire afflicted with that mindset.


In his acceptance speech, he told us that he represented us and then spent the next two weeks defending his ego. He lied.  He needs to pull his head out of his rectum and after it is removed, use his brain instead of his mouth.  Teenage Presidents are unacceptable.


The Republican establishment is not worth spit and they are destroying what is left of the Republican Party. The stupid Republicans, who have done absolutely nothing positive since gaining control of the House and the Senate, are already planning for the 2020 election without realizing that if Trump does not win this year, we may not have a Constitutional Republic in 2020.  Hillary and the Democrats will finish destroying this country by that time.


Since the establishment Republicans and Democrats only worry about themselves and their past government record, this may explain why the former generals and federal government security officials have issued open letters opposing Donald Trump. You will note that most of these persons were in charge when the system got all screwed up.  It looks like they dislike change and are trying to cover their butts now.  They do it all the time.


With all the concern for candidate suitability for office, the public needs to be agitating for an Accountability Amendment[1] to the Constitution and since federal judges are selected for their political bias, make them run for election to a single ten year term[2].  Both amendments to the Constitution are intended to let the public assist in cleaning up the political cesspool in Washington.

[1] Ernest Kanak Jr.,, The Accountability Amendment blog posted 8-4-2016

[2] Ernest Kanak Jr.,, The Federal Judiciary Amendment blog posted 3-31-2016

Ernie Kanak

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