From the political wilderness, here comes another series of comments on our current political mess.


Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has recently been accused of being a true RINO. Now if we were to pass the Accountability Amendment, the people of Kentucky could start a petition to vote and remove him if they did not like what he is doing.  This amendment, if passed, would allow Kentuckians to decide how and by whom their state should be represented in the United States Senate without waiting for the next election. 


Mr. Trump

Mr. Trump, please note that most Americans will very likely refuse to vote for a name calling teenager for President of the United States. Instead of complaining about the delegate selection process, why didn’t you hire someone who does know how the system works earlier?  You are not taking care of business and it could cost you and you will have only yourself to blame.

Mr. Cruz

Recently there have been accusations of improprieties in your pursuit of delegates to secure the Presidential nomination. If everything is fair and above board, no problem.  If not, then you fall into my lawyer category that most lawyers who follow what I suspect is their activist law school professors’ teachings.  They consider themselves to be above the law and the Constitution.  Your response might be that you have litigated constitutional violations and won.  My response to that is that President Obama taught Constitutional law and now considers himself to be above the law and routinely violates not only the laws passed by Congress but also the Constitution.


Mr. Kasich

For a candidate who has won one primary election and who in most of the country outside of the Northeast is lucky to get 14% of any primary vote, why are you still in the race? You are the professional politician which is defined in my book[1].  Your loyalty is not to the people but to your political party who you hope will nominate you.  You appear to favor open borders and unrestricted illegal immigration.  The Federation for American Immigration Reform in their November 2015 Immigration Report quotes some very interesting statistics.


“We have admitted 59 million people into the U.S. since 1965”


“Our foreign-born population has skyrocketed from 9.6 million in 1965 to nearly 45 million today”.


“More than half of the immigrant-headed households rely on some form of public assistance.”


It should be noted that in earlier times, high immigration provided warm bodies and in that economy, many times warm bodies were all that was needed. That is no longer true and today warm bodies only add to the welfare and food stamp rolls.  From here, it looks like there is an excellent possibility of more of the same with a Kasich presidency.


So far Mr. Kasich has not advocated for mandatory E-Verify to insure American citizens are first on the job list instead of an illegal alien. Without a job, doesn’t some self deportation start?  Is his political base sold on illegal alien employees?  Without E-Verify, it looks like many American companies want to employ cheap illegal aliens instead of American citizens.  That is neither legal nor right.


Mr. Sanders

Mr. Sanders, do your young millennial supporters know that your unrestricted spending agenda will likely bankrupt the country and confirm that we have become a third world country with no jobs? Free everything and there is not enough money in the system to pay for it.  Everybody is looking for the free lunch and there is no such thing.  The millennials have been programmed by our terrible educational system into believing big government is the answer to all problems and when reinforced by the political censorship called correctness, the recipe for disaster has been issued.    Since when does the threat of a lawsuit by some minority activist dictate how the majority of the population must live their lives?  What happened to majority rule?  Doesn’t this suggest that the legal profession in pursuit of the million dollar settlement is more interested in the money than justice? It sure looks that way to me.


Mrs. Clinton

You are in a league with Barack Obama in the consummate liar category. Both of you care naught for our country but everything for personal wealth and power.  Trouble is that neither one of you has a lick of common sense and is not smart enough to see it.  Both of you appear to suffer from a delusional disorder and live in la-la land.  Hopefully Obama can finish his term without starting World War III.  With her delusional foreign and immigration policies, if elected President, my concern is that Mrs. Clinton’s administration may not prevent another 9/11 without trying to create a police state—which the American people will not allow to happen.  Bring on the posse.

[1] Ernest Kanak Jr., The Way I See It, Outskirts Press (2014), p. 14-15

Ernie Kanak

No thank you