When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

July 30, 2017 post entitled A New American Way??? suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


A potential way to get every politician’s attention is for ordinary citizens to refuse to donate any campaign money and refuse to re-elect any incumbent politician to office. The politicians that must suffer are federal, state and local.  We need to elect good honest people to office that are absolutely independent of any political party and who will sign a legally binding accountability contract that allows their constituents to petition for a recall election and, if defeated in that election, removes that elected official from office on that day.  It is conceded that this tactic may defeat some good politicians, but in the usual American way, we punish everyone for the transgressions of the few.  By the way, your incumbent member of congress, state and local politicians will continue to sell out to the highest bidder.


Immediately all politicians will insist someone with political experience must be elected and use President Trump as an example of that need. That, ladies and gentlemen, is a huge load of bullcrap.  President Trump’s administration has been sabotaged by the Democratic Party delaying appointment approvals, the Propaganda mainstream press, the Never Trump Republicans, the slimy and evil bureaucrats who leaked government secrets to discredit the President and the holdover resistance members of the Obama Administration.


Oh yes, Bernie Sanders needs to sell one of his three homes so he can help provide the money for the free everything he is proposing. He is a delusional politician and so are his followers who confirm Albert Einstein’s quote that “the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits”.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you