When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Once upon a time, members of the American Fascist Party (Democratic Party and mainstream media) were good Americans. No more.  In today’s world, these organizations have advocated violence, censorship called political correctness, school indoctrination instead of education, entitlement for everyone for almost everything, and open borders which could admit more than 600 million uneducated illegal aliens into our country converting it into a third world country.  They have ignored reports of NSA spying and unmasking of political opponents by the Obama Administration.  No questions were raised when the Obama Justice Department sued to stop state voter ID implementation intended to prevent election voter fraud.  This Fascist Party always uses political opponent character assassination instead of promotion of viable programs to help the people of this nation.  Now there have been TV news reports of possible Democratic Party connections to the murder of Democratic Operative Seth Rich.  A major political party possibly connected to a murder with a media blackout?  Why are there now reports that the DC police appear to be impeding and covering up this murder investigation?  Where is justice and law and order?  Where are all those lawsuits that are supposed to resolve these issues?  During this time the Fascist media has resorted to broadcasting propaganda instead of factual news reports.  They have avoided “News Distortion” FCC intervention by having the Fascist Party politicians continually repeat the same fake news over and over.  Is it possible that a major political party and mainstream media have lost all integrity and morals to have sunk this low?  Yes.


While Establishment Republicans do not appear to embrace fascism at this time, their agenda to destroy President Trump is real. If you don’t believe these many problems exist, spend some time and do some research for yourself—or maybe you have been living under a rock on another planet.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you