When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


Accountability is a dirty word in Washington DC. For years, politicians have made promises during their campaigns for office only to ignore those promises when elected.  The horrendous truth is that they have gotten away with their deception.  What does this say about the intelligence of the voters?  Does this mean the voting public has an IQ barely above 50?  We know that is not true because many of these voters are college graduates and a 50 IQ is probably not high enough to earn a college degree.


When ex- President Obama was elected, he claimed his administration would be the most transparent in history. Ha, ha, ha, ha.  In fact his administration was the most secretive in recent history.  When it became known that the IRS targeted conservative political groups and the corrupt officials were identified, he promoted them because he agreed with and supported their actions.  Where was the accountability?   There was neither true transparency nor accountability.


Why does Washington DC hate President Donald Trump? Simply put, it is because since his inauguration he has consistently fulfilled campaign promises to “Make America Great Again”.  Our elected Congressional representatives and federal bureaucrats fear that the public will soon insist that all of them must also be held accountable to keep their jobs.  Sometimes hard decisions are necessary to decide what is best for the country and the public in general.  Will the politicians be accountable to the country or to a small group of influential supporters?  When politicians must make a decision between accountability to the public or to their influential donors to get re-elected, they will choose the donors most of the time.  Very few politicians can be trusted to be frugal with the public’s money.


What Congress could very easily do is to pass a budget which makes cuts to every department by 2%. Make the bureaucrats earn their pay by forcing them to provide the same level of services with less money by finding and eliminating the fraud and waste in their departments.  If they fail to meet this standard, then their department must be audited.  Bureaucratic accountability must be a constant element of government employment.


Since the teachers formed their union, the test scores of public school children have gone down. The schools are producing dumber and dumber students.  If the quality of public school students continues to drop, how can this nation compete internationally and why should teachers be allowed to get pay increases by unionizing?  Could it be that these schools now produce indoctrinated students instead of students taught to think for themselves to solve problems?  Instead too many schools are now producing human robots who use political correctness to openly discriminate against conservatives, demand entitlement and prefer violence instead of rational discussion—and the dumber still elected school boards agree with these fascist tactics.


What about the police and fire fighters unions? The know they can cause havoc if they strike and so do their political bosses, so they fill their pensions with money the public does not have.  Do they care?  Do these organizations sound like ones who respect and protect the public?  What happens when they retire and there is no money for these fixed benefit pensions?


By having the Little Rock Federal Attorneys office continue the investigation into the Uranium One scandal, isn’t Attorney General Sessions admitting that he does not trust any headquarter FBI agents and Justice Department attorneys? AG Sessions, please get rid of all that scum and put them in jail or preferably have them executed if warranted for the crimes committed.  Do it before the public decides they must solve the problem.


What we really need is an Accountability Amendment. We need to add something similar to the Revised Accountability Amendment (March 19, 2017 post) to our Constitution.  The Revised Accountability Amendment would enable the public to initiate action at any time during the election cycle to remove federal officials and/or overturn federal laws and court decisions.  How about using it to stop the corrupt NSA from spying on the American public for political reasons?


It is time to remove the crazy activist federal judges who cause so much trouble from the bench. If a federal judiciary amendment similar to the proposed Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post) were passed, the public—not a politician–would decide whether or not someone was fit to be a judge.  The Federal Judiciary Amendment removes federal judge lifetime appointments and replaces them with a single elected 10 year term–although In retrospect a single 5 year term might provide better government.


All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.


Since many local and state officials are out of control, it might help if state and local laws introducing accountability were also passed. There are no kings or queens in any branch of government.


For accountability to be implemented, voters like you will need to call your elected officials and demand change.

Ernie Kanak

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