Is it time to reform our political system? Answer: Yes. The reason is that the current political system has badly failed the American people. Your current elected political representatives all belong to a de-facto union and their loyalty is to their union—NOT THEIR COUNTRY AND THEIR CONSTITUENTS. In Congress, the committee chairmen are selected by their party leadership. A committee chairman controls what legislation is voted out of committee, so their power is greater than that of an ordinary committee member. The longer they are in office, the higher they move up in their party hierarchy. This system promotes those with the most time in Congress instead of the most competent. Possible exceptions to this might be those people elected since 2010. Since most politicians ran for public office to be able to control the use of government force, it is critically important that we have the most competent committee chairmen who have fidelity to their country and all of its citizens—not to some special interest group.


Based on their actions and inactions, it appears that many existing Democratic and Republican Party politicians have been purchased by the special interest groups and lobbyists. It really looks like that anyone with enough money can buy a politician to do his bidding. If this is the case, how will the interests of ordinary people be addressed? Those interests are not being addressed now.


The American public shares a large portion of the blame for this situation because they have allowed their elected representatives to repeatedly lie to them and almost never make them accountable for their lying. This is how America becomes Amerika. What will it be—America or Amerika?


So far in this federal administration, the IRS, DHS, Justice Department, the VA, the EPA, any commission appointed by Obama, the State Department and possibly the FBI and the general staff of the Department of Defense have been shown to be corrupt and/or completely incompetent. While it remains to be seen if the corruption has seeped into the federal judiciary, it is evident that for the most part the federal judiciary has abandoned the Rule of Law in favor of activism. It is almost a miracle that there are some federal judges left who have the integrity to follow the Rule of Law. At least six Supreme Court Justices did not believe in the Rule of Law when they ruled on Obamacare changes and are politicians. In fairness, all of this corruption did not start with the Obama Administration, but he has greatly expanded the practice.


How do we fix it? The two party political system has failed the country and invites totalitarian rule when one party has a large legislative majority and controls the executive branch. An example of this might be the passing of Obamacare over the objections of a majority of the voters with not a single Republican vote in favor. We need a third party.  My hope is that the members of the legislature elected since 2010 can be convinced to start a third party and recruit enough new members during the 2016 elections to be large enough to control what the legislative branch passes and what it does not pass. With three equal size parties, devotion to all our citizens with all parties compromising will be necessary to pass legislation. Our constitution must be amended to insure that critical issues such congressional and judicial term limits and a balanced budget must be part of our constitution to insure that these issues are not left to political discretion.


All the politicians, political experts and pundits will be against this change–politicians for obvious reasons and the others because they will very likely lose some of their power to influence government. I am so tired of listening to all the blather about politics and politicians instead of ways that those in government are devising ways that will improve the lives of all this country’s citizens. Why are there no discussions about ways government can improve our lives? The reason is really political censorship—not correctness. Most politicians and political pundits do not have a clue what the American people want. They sit in their Washington and New York offices and quote polls the answers for which can be controlled by how the pollsters ask the questions and/or by loading the survey respondent population. Just think of this. How are pollsters supposed to accurately determine what 320 million plus Americans want by polling 1000-2000 people? If they say they can, make them prove it. Trust but verify.


It would appear that the least trustworthy members of Congress are the big government Democratic and Republican communist wannabes. They are labeled communist wannabes because communism is big government controlling everything and that is what big government devotees want. They must go. Their loyalty is to themselves and their party–not their constituents and our country. Make things so difficult for them with large public demonstrations, emails and phone calls that they resign. The Viet Nam War demonstrations succeeded in getting us out of Viet Nam. For the millennial, if you had been taught American History instead of Amerikan propaganda while in school, you would already know this.


Since the Congress and the President cannot agree on most issues, we the public need to give them an incentive to meet their Constitutional responsibilities on issues such a national defense and public welfare. We do this by passing a constitutional amendment giving the American people the power to use petitions to initiate recall elections that will approve or force the removal from office of any elected or appointed public official, nullify any law passed since the inception of the republic and overrule any court decision. This action would truly return to the people of this country an orderly way to approve the final decisions on how we are to be governed.


This amendment would initially be cumbersome because all the members of government and the propaganda press would fight it tooth and nail. This constitutional republic was created and formed when it took weeks to travel long distances. Today using social media and other electronic communications, it takes seconds to make your wishes known. Using electronic communication and the ballot box, we the people could change what government does to us and judge them on whether or not they have met our needs without waiting for the next election. When the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government are not meeting the needs of its citizens, the recall election format would bypass and/or force them to meet the country’s needs. The American people would become the government oversight committee and have final say on how we are governed. The biggest obstacle to this would be how to prevent the voter fraud our politicians have invented and use. It should be noted that when government does their job to the satisfaction of the people, there is no need for petition and recall.


Since our government no longer meets the needs of the people, it must be reformed.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you