When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

The two party political system has failed the American people. The reason for failure is that the politicians are more interested in party politics and personal exposure than trying to meet the needs of their constituents. The priorities of most of the members of Congress are me, me, me, me, me, me, me instead of us, us, us, us, us. It makes a person wonder how this nation has survived. The present Congress and Judicial system are ignoring the Constitution in favor of insane political activism. Judicial political games have been in season for decades. What are we to do? Has the American voter seen enough of this political dysfunction to want to find another way to elect politicians and/or even maybe to run for political office in order to help create a new kind of politician?

Do we really need political parties? We have majority party and minority party “leaders” who seem to use questionable tactics to control what is voted upon by the Congress. They make the decisions on what goes into omnibus bills that are so huge that no one knows what is in them until the members of Congress without adequate time to review the bill have to vote on and pass them to fund the government. How does this represent good government when the majority of the members of Congress probably get zero input? What good is majority rule without adequate majority review? Are not the numerous committees supposed to meet and discuss the issues? When do they meet with the rest of the Congress to explain what they are trying to do? This observer is guessing that never happens. Why do we need so many members of Congress when only a few make all the decisions? More and more it seems that Congress resembles a totalitarian form of government. How can this be good for the country?

Most Republican Party members seem afraid to challenge anything the Democratic Party does. When confronted with disagreements, they wet their pants. Most Democrats on the other hand seem very confident in want they want to do and while referencing the rule of law, too many of them ignore the rule of law and act as if they are above the law, i.e., they have become outlaws. The antics of the Democrats protecting the lawless Department of Justice and FBI members is dumbfounding. Members of both parties lie to get elected and then fail to deliver. There is no accountability because they expect the voters to forget the ignored promises by the next election. All of us voters are stupid because we fail to hold politicians accountable.

Why would any voter want to elect any Republican or Democrat who will not sign an accountability contract? They lie to the voter during the campaign and then ignore the voter after election and the voter can do nothing but complain. There is no accountability until the next election. Do you think that is good government?

That is why we need a new kind of politician. The new politician must have the following priorities and objectives:

Priority One
Fidelity to the United States Constitution. Politicians currently swear an oath to obey and follow the Constitution but ignore that oath.

Priority Two
The common good for all of the nation’s citizens takes precedence over local issues.

Priority Three
A survey of constituents without any request for money might be helpful for every politician to find out what voters think is needed locally. If a needs list were published, it could serve as the elected candidate’s political agenda as long as there are no conflicts with priorities one and two

Campaign Financing

Donors buy politicians and tell the elected politicians what to do. The best way to eliminate this evil practice is to have strictly enforced public financing with a fixed dollar budget that if exceeded by any candidate would automatically disqualify that candidate from office. Since the Supreme Court has ruled that political action committees are lawful, the PACs would be limited to one per candidate with a fixed dollar budget with the violation of its spending limit being criminal. This would mean that all campaign donations to candidates by outsiders would be criminal bribes which upon conviction would send people to jail. The larger the voter population, the larger would be the campaign budget. Except for presidential candidates, the objective would be for the candidates to meet as many voters as possible. No ivory tower candidates need apply. This kind of financing would likely be opposed by the current politicians and donors. Since a public financing system does not exist, it would appear that any candidate using the new proposed rules and agenda would have to appeal to the small donor to get enough funds to run for office. Until the American voter sees the light and demands public campaign financing and political accountability, the crooked old system will stay in place.

Candidate Accountability

If you vote for a Republican or Democrat without having an accountability contract, you are not interested in accountability and why bother voting. If you want to be a slave to your government, keep doing nothing and your wish will be fulfilled.

Each new kind of politician candidate must sign a legal accountability contract that states if elected, the candidate agrees to honor the results of a constituent recall election if deemed necessary at any time during the election cycle. Upon receiving a negative vote exceeding 50%, the candidate who was elected must immediately resign and be removed from office.

Each Congressional candidate must sign a legal contract agreeing to serve no more than two terms if elected to the Senate and no more than three terms if elected the House of Representatives.

Each Congressional candidate must sign a legal contract agreeing to support a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution and reduce spending until income exceeds spending every year until the amendment is passed.

With these restrictions and demands, a party leader may not be needed. It is envisioned that all of these new kind of politicians could meet as needed to decide how to solve issues. If more meetings were held by current political parties instead of supposed leaders making decisions, we would likely have better government.

If you are of the opinion that the candidate accountability described above is impossible, why do you even bother to vote? Haven’t you already given up on a fair and honest United States political system?

Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post).

Ernie Kanak

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