As this is being written, there is a controversy over an Israeli Prime Minister addressing Congress. The White House is upset because they feel that Congress is intruding into foreign policy which is supposed to be an executive branch function—that is if you believe in the Constitution. No mention is made of the executive department’s executive orders which have changed existing laws passed by Congress. Hmmm!! What is the problem? Is the Constitution supposed to apply for only one branch of government? Is the White House afraid that maybe the Israeli Prime Minister might tell us the truth?

We have a State Department which has stated that in order to try to fight terrorism, we must find the potential terrorists jobs. Hello!!!! Don’t they remember that the 9-11 terrorists were not looking for jobs and they were all Muslims. Does the State Department have a clue on what the problem is and how to solve it? To me, their pronouncements are either lies or propaganda. Is our State Department supposed to be engaged in these activities? I don’t think so.

The White House refuses to identify the fact that we are starting to see worldwide terrorism by Muslims. Why are they afraid to identify the terrorists as Muslim? Could it be that our President is also a Muslim? On the religion issue please see the 2008 ABC video interview during which Obama professed to be a Muslim.

The White House has succeeded into making Washington D.C. the liars capital of the world. Listen to the spokespersons for the President, the State Department and the Pentagon. Oh yes, don’t let us forget the IRS which has targeted groups opposed to the administration and all those missing tapes which were recently found. Do you remember the administration going on TV and telling us a video caused Benghazi when they knew that terrorists had done that terrible deed. How about the NSA spying scandal that was supposed to be so bad and the President promised reform? Still waiting. And the VA scandal, what has been done about prosecuting the administrators who lied to keep their bonuses while veterans died because they did not receive treatment? What about the Affordable Care Act when on numerous occasions the President told us that we could keep our doctors and medical plan when later news reports showed that he knew that it was a lie?

Sorry, but the list is so long that I am getting tired. I will download future issues at a later time.

Oh yes, I forgot. I don’t think we need any more Bush or Clinton presidents.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you