When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Once again the propaganda news network polls are reporting that Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden is leading President Trump. For four years these networks have lied and lied to the American public to convince uniformed and uneducated viewers that President Trump is guilty of all kinds of crimes that have later been proven false. Only a moron would believe that these networks have suddenly started to tell the truth. Sadly it appears that Fox News and The Wall Street Journal poll has joined the propaganda press. This observer no longer trusts any Fox News poll results..

Once again Fox News have lost their minds when they state that soon the Supreme Court will have six conservative judges. Of course they never reference the fact that all judges are supposed to have no political agenda in order to rule without prejudice. Sadly the stupid politicians in both parties have disregarded that rule to the extreme detriment to the American public. They don’t give a damn and are only concerned with political power and control. Bastards !!!! For Fox News information, Chief Justice Roberts was once considered conservative but recently before Justice Ginsberg’s death was rated as the fifth most liberal judge on the court. If Fox News had been more honest they would have never reported six conservative judges. We may need a revolution to cleanse the court to make sure that the Supreme Court must have nine judges that interpret our Constitution and laws passed as written. The American people must DEMAND that to happen. The American public must also inform the leftist Democrats that court packing is off the table forever.

For the second time in two presidential campaigns for President of the United States the Democratic Party has selected an unindicted criminal. Joe Biden displayed quid pro quo in the Ukraine on video tape, his son Hunter works with the Chinese Communist government and recently emails from Hunter’s laptop confirm numerous illegal monetary agreements. Joe Biden has several times announced that he is running for the Senate instead of President. Joe Biden is unfit to serve as President of the United States. In addition, any vote for any Democratic politician is a vote to transform our country into a fascist or communist nation. The oligarch Democratic billionaires want to destroy the middle class so that they can dictate how this country must be run.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you