Good governments provide an environment that helps their people thrive and live long and fruitful lives in peace. Bad and corrupt governments make little to no attempt to help the people achieve these wonderful goals—they only want power and control. Today we have one political party that has provided good government to all the people and another political party which is doing its best to destroy that good government by promoting anarchy and violence which has resulted in the death of many innocent people including children. What kind of society tolerates killing innocent children? Only anarchists and corrupt organizations do. Sadly a me first mentality has grown stronger and stronger for the past 60 years and it is destroying our country. When chaos becomes unbearable and government is unable or unwilling to fix the problem, history has documented that the people rise up and revolt in revolution. In 1776 our country’s founders reached that point and in 2020 it may be necessary to repeat revolution to save the most wonderful country God has given to the world.

In 2016 the American people elected Donald J. Trump President of the United States and his administration has been under constant attack by parties who want to remove him from office. These attacks have been by the Obama administration, the Democratic Party, the RINO Republicans, the FBI and Justice Department and the local, state and federal politicians, courts and bureaucracies. The corruption has been massive and much too large for constitutional government to fix.

Therefore, it will take a massive force to correct the problems. Thank God that our Founders gave us the Second Amendment because it will take every citizen who loves this country and owns a firearm to join the Constitution Restoration Revolutionary Army. When the Army grows to 20 to 90 million members, anarchist should blink before taking the Army on in armed conflict. The goal is to effect reform without a lot of bloodshed, but the threat of death must always be present.

Some suggestions about the revolutionary army:

The goal for this revolution is to restore constitutional government by following the written constitution, honoring constitutional separation of powers and restoration of the rule of law with equal justice for all provided by a justice system with no political bias. To prevent a relapse, the Army may stay active and protect the constitution for 100 years.

The army should support government and law enforcement as long as they recognize that the revolutionary army is needed to make the changes that constitutional government cannot make.

The revolution does not have constitutional restraints and units should be formed by grassroots members. The number of army units may be in the thousands in all 50 states and territories. Instead of evaluating crime against the American people based on whether or not it is legal, maybe the standard should be is it right or wrong. The opposition to this revolution have in the past and will use murder to stop it. Many leaders for each unit hopefully will prevent this tactic. Care must be taken to exclude all the bad persons who own a firearm.

Revolutions generally take no prisoners.

Any crime that harms the American people is punishable by death. Possible sentences are death and probation. Violation of probation may result in death

Statute of limitations law is not followed.

Double jeopardy is permissible

A revolutionary court or judge’s ruling is final. There are no appeals.

Sentences should be carried out within hours or days.

Rioters, looters and arsonists who break the law or who attempt to harm a member of the Revolutionary Army or law enforcement may be shot and killed.

Media members who assist those who break the law are criminals who may be shot and killed.

The highest priorities to start the political cleansing are:

Protect our children and stop all school indoctrination from kindergarten to college. Remove the violators as needed.

Many of the corrupt local, state and federal appointed and elected officials may be replaced

All foreign nationals except green card holders and consular staff must immediately leave the country because their safety cannot be guaranteed in a revolution.

The time to start organizing the Constitution Restoration Revolutionary Army to cleanse our nation should be today. Why today you ask. Do you think that the revolution will get any support from government and law enforcement if the Democrats steal the election?

Prevent all ballots received after election day from being counted no matter what the state and local laws permit. If they are not there on the day of the election, they don’t count. The army must prevent voter fraud.

If ballot harvesting is attempted, the persons delivering the ballots must be held until the source of the ballots and the identity of those delivering them are verified. If tried by a revolutionary judge or court, voter fraud should be punished by death.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you