It looks like the Chinese want Elon Musk to build a factory in China to build electric cars. With China’s well known air pollution, it makes sense although most of their pollution probably comes from non scrubbed power plant fuel combustion products. It seems like a good fit for both parties. It is this observer’s opinion that the electric car manufacturing facility is not China’s real goal.

Mr. Musk is also very involved with SpaceX. With the car introduction, China would try to use this to steal as much information as possible on the SpaceX operations. This is especially true now that SpaceX is now tasked with delivering US astronauts to the space station. The Chinese would love to sabotage this system.

However, the real goal may be to steal as much information as they can about Mr. Musk’s low orbit satellite communication system on which the Chinese would love to install their spy 5G software. This system if they can steal it would be part of their world domination scheme to be supreme in every respect. With the close ties the Chinese have with Google, would that company try to assist China? If the Chinese cannot steal this system, once more they would love to sabotage it.

When dealing with China, all cyber software should be protected by a triple firewall if such a thing is possible.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you