The controversy continues over the use of this drug to treat the Wuhan pandemic virus despite its safe use for over 40 years treating lupus and malaria. Is it possible that the CDC and FDA have lost all credibility concerning this drug as they seem have shifted their emphasis to CYA mode? True science seeks only the truth no matter where it leads you.

Where and what research is being done on virus therapeutics? It is obvious that therapeutics are a necessary component to save thousands of lives during a pandemic and a vaccine is the protection against a future virus pandemic. Why were there no therapeutics to treat the Wuhan virus? The response might be that there are thousands of viruses. That may be true but then shouldn’t the necessary research be done in the United States to find and develop one or more therapeutics? What therapeutic s are the CDC and FDA planning on using to treat the victims of the next Chinese Communist Military’s release of a pandemic virus—China has stored almost 4000 or more viruses. Isn’t true scientific research supposed to solve problems? What research has or is being done? If none, why?

Hydroxychloroquine is the only drug for which there are many testimonials by recovered Wuhan virus patients who insist the drug saved their lives. Organizations like the CDC, FDA, Democratic Party and at least one drug store chain have continually opposed its use for this virus. What is the truth?

This post is an appeal for a single red state university to announce to the media their intention to collect data from physicians who have prescribed this drug to treat the Wuhan virus. It is this observer’s opinion that all blue state universities are politically biased, so they cannot be trusted to tell the truth.

The data to be collected will be from doctors who have treated the pandemic virus with hydroxychloroquine and to inform the university of the results. If funding is an issue, it is suggested that a “Go Fund Me” account be started for the data collection and report issuance timeframe and terminated after issuance of the data. The university must check the reporting doctors ’credentials to prevent fraud and receive from each doctor the number of patients treated, the number recovered and the number deceased. The most important task for this report is to guarantee that every doctor’s information must remain confidential to prevent ALL negative response for their participation.

After collecting this data for no more than 60 days, a single report must be issued within a week and released to the media by the university showing only the number of patients treated, number of recoveries and the number of deaths. Pure statistics are wanted with zero politics.

If masks are not an effective way to prevent disease transmission, why does everyone in a hospital operating room wear one and social distancing does not appear to be an issue?

Ernie Kanak

No thank you