It has been reported in the NY Times that there are 430,000 nationals from Communist China in the United States today. Why are there so many Chinese in this country when everybody knows that due to family ties in China, everyone of those people are willingly or are forced to spy for the Chinese Communist Party. The Chinese are stealing everything they can that is not nailed down. Four of them that have been employed by American universities and health organizations have been arrested by the FBI for working for China as spies. Why are these Chinese working in critical research areas enabling them to steal the technology and send it to China? What does this say about the caliber of university executive that hire these spies? What about the thousands of supposed Chinese students whose mission is to steal technology? Why are there no American’s in these positions? What kind of bozo United States diplomats are there in China who issue visas for the spies? What do they use for brains or are they just Obama holdovers? Why have 40,000 Chinese been admitted into this country after President Trump issued his ban? More bozo Obama holdovers or is it just poor choice of personnel by our State Department?

China with the Wuhan virus killed the goose that laid the golden eggs. If we didn’t have so many spies from China in this country, we would lose fewer secrets. Cancel all Chinese visas except for diplomats and stop the theft.

If and when the take no prisoners revolution comes to this country and if our political system has not been cleansed, the Chinese will all be deported or sent home in body bags. Let us prevent the body bags and deport all of them now. Any more than 10,00 people or fewer from China in this country at one time is insanity. The Democrats appear to love these Chinese spies who deliberately infected this country with the Wuhan virus which to date has killed more than 100,000 Americans. Hey Joe, what do you and your son think of your Chinese Communist buddies now? Don’t Nancy and Chuck love the Chinese too?

Ernie Kanak

No thank you