When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

The riots that have engulfed too many American cities have been caused by appeasement policies of the state and/or local governments. The police have been told to stand down and not enforce the law, so therefore, when the criminal class population sees that, the riots and looting begins.

Normally break-ins and theft are criminal acts that deserve an arrest and in most cases that is what is probably done. Those rules cannot be applied in a stand down situation where the police are prohibited from doing their duty. Once rioting and looting begin, there appears to be only one solution. If the police shoot and kill any violent action by a rioter or looter, that action will very soon be known to all the rioters. It should only take one or two dead rioters to shut down the trouble. To this observer, it is only a common sense solution.

For all small business owners whose livelihood has been destroyed, you need to take legal action against the stupid government officials like governors and mayors who issued a stand down order. These officials must be held accountable for their stupid orders. A class action lawsuit against these officials is probably the strongest deterrent from future riots. Once these business owners are reimbursed for their losses, they probably need to move to another state because politicians retaliate even when they are wrong. The money to restore the losses must come from state and local taxes which should be another reason for these wayward politicians not to be stupid again.

Second, the police unions must strike if necessary to get laws passed similar to the military’s “Unlawful order”. In other words, it must be illegal for politicians to tell any police office to not enforce the law he or she has taken an oath to protect. This country has too many stupid politicians who think they are God and can do whatever they want.

It has been reported that the rioters are people who came from another state to cause trouble. Attorney General Barr has declared these people will be prosecuted. Good. More importantly must be the need to identify from where and from whom the money comes to cause riots. These money people must be publicly identified and prosecuted to the maximum. We don’t need any more fake Americans than we have now.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you