When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

COVID-19 originated in Communist China. When it started has been reported to be from November 2019 to December 2019, but later reports are suggesting a start as far back as October 2019.

It is still unclear whether it was accidentally released from a Chinese lab or whether it was released on purpose. After many Chinese died, the communists realized that they could have a pandemic on their hands and started purchasing PPE worldwide to corner the market and now are selling PPE at inflated prices. At the same time, they sealed off Wuhan to Chinese people travelling to Shanghai and Beijing while sending many people to the United States and other countries to spread the virus. The Chinese created a worldwide pandemic ON PURPOSE. Since the virus was purposely released on the world, could it be that this release was a germ warfare tactic by the Chinese military? Could it be a test run using a dangerous highly transmittable virus? The Chinese have stored 4000 viruses, so what virus could be “accidently” released next? Could the German scientists’ virus blocker technology stop a pandemic?
To what extent did the CDC and the National Institute of Health (NIC) research funding of the Wuhan lab contribute to COVID-19? Should not all US funding of Chinese research be immediately stopped?

Here in the US, the CDC and FDA were totally unable to defend our country. The tactic to wait for people to get sick and die and to flatten the bell curve is not attacking the problem. Waiting for people to get infected and die is to this observer insane medical practice. Why did not the CDC and FDA have treatment methods and medicines to treat the disease? The CDC and FDA have failed the American people. Now that we know that China has 4000 viruses available to release on the world, what are they going to do to protect us? Isn’t it the CDC’s job to help prevent pandemics instead of shutting down our country because they have no idea on how to medically treat any virus in its early stages? Should they stop politicking the Chinese Communists and start protecting the American people? If there has been no research on medically treating people infected by a virus, why not? In this day and age, should not research be underway today on how to treat and destroy all viruses? No one is saying it will be easy, but isn’t that why we have many research laboratories, super computers and maybe AI? Over 70,000 Americans have died so far. There is probably no universal drug, so instead of denigrating treatments that have shown some success like oxychloroquine, should not it be prescribed for potentially terminal patients or sooner to hopefully prevent a death. Numerous recovered patients have testified to its effectiveness. This observer realizes that it is a cheap safe drug according to the doctors who prescribe it, but if the drug companies make very little money producing it, have they convinced some doctors to oppose its use? Doctors, do no harm. Who cares what some doctor’s think when people are not treated and are dying? Is it the CDC’s method which flattens the curve or is it herd immunity?

Are the Congressional Democrats actively working with the Chinese Communists to use COVID-19 to defeat President Donald J.Trump? Everyone knows that Joe Biden ignores the Chinese threat and his son received 1.4 billion dollars for a management contract from the communists while Biden was vice president. It has been reported that a prominent Democrat has a 4 billion dollar stake in China. A Republican member of Congress and his wife received a 5 million dollar gift from her father via the Chinese Communist Party. We have also have had a Chinese spy working for a US Congress Democratic l Senator. The Chinese buy loyalty with lots of money. What will the drug companies who have transferred too much drug manufacturing to China do? If they have not already started working on rebuilding drug manufacturing infrastructure in the United States, are they working with the Chinese to get rid of President Trump so they can make more money in China? We know that Wall Street only cares about making money, so are they helping the Chinese? China purchased Smithfield several years ago and now there might be a meat shortage and farmers will suffer. Did not the President use his emergency powers to make sure Smithfield and others do their job of processing meat? Now the Chinese want to purchase a Texas oil field due to the depressed crude oil prices they DELIBERATEDLY CAUSED BY REALEASING COVID-19 ON THE WORLD. THE EVIL CHINESE MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO PURCAHSE ANY AMERICAN COMANPY EVER. Who cares what the Chinese want? China will retaliate for sure. Is the Department of Defense still issuing contracts to the Chinese Communists? How does that practice help defend this country? Are those companies’ CEOs and Boards of Director that have heavily invested in China going to oppose President Trump and support Joe Biden and son because they worship money, power and control and no longer believe in the United States of America? All those who support China and the communist loving Congressional Democrats are fake Americans and should consider leaving this country and never return. If those who oppose President Trump’s government clean up persist, will it take a revolution by the real Americans in this country to clean out all the national, state and local government, media and internet garbage? Our country’s survival as a Constitutional Republic is in jeopardy.

With so many unemployed due to China’s deliberate spread of COVID-19, all work visas except for those persons who have previously worked to temporarily help our nation’s farmers should be immediately cancelled. We need workers interested in saving our country and not those who might possibly be interested in destroying it. Get rid of all of them and also cancel all student visas. Due to an evil government, rest assured that every Chinese National sponsored by the Chinese Communist Party is a spy whether that individual likes it or not. Why are 400,000-450,000 Chinese nationals allowed to stay in this country when China wants to destroy us? When the communist loving Congressional Democrats squeal like the pigs they are, let them. If necessary, a revolution by real Americans will take care of them.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you