When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Is it true that:

The Coronavirus which started in Wuhan, China and is now in over 180 countries has not made it to Beijing or Shanghai?

The Chinese stock market did not crash, but after the American and European markets did, the Chinese cashed in?

Chinese allies Russia and North Korea have not had serious infections?

Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Wuhan without wearing hazmat protection?

COVID-19 is a Chinese germ warfare virus creation intended to cripple the Western nations and economies?

After creating COVID-19, the Chinese developed an antidote that they have very selectively used.(Xi Jinping)?

The Chinese very early on cornered the PPE equipment market and for some items like life saving drugs have made purchasing difficult for the United States?


The war the United States is fighting with COVID-19 is very serious and this war indirectly includes the Chinese Communist Party.

Are the Chinese trying to use the virus war to take over the world? It sure looks like it.

It is time for the United States to begin eliminating all supply lines with foreign countries that affect the nation’s health and defense.

All Chinese student visas must be terminated and no H1B, etc. visas for Chinese and Indian workers must be issued despite what some donors want their money hungry moron Republican and Democratic Senators to do. Starting today begin to reform our educational system to produce the workers needed.
Oh yes, these workers may already exist but cost the fake American donors more money. .

Mexican farm workers are welcome, but when they are done, they must return to Mexico. The Bracero program worked for many in the past. Why was it stopped? Politics!!!! No special provisions despite what Republican senators want so they can get elected again.

Why are thousands of Chinese nationals still being admitted into the United States? More spies to take down our country?

Ernie Kanak

No thank you