Sadly to this observer, we appear to be using medieval medicine to treat a 21st century disease. While this technique is effective, its progress is tracked and predicted by people infected and dying. Why are there no medicines approved to treat and stop this disease?

How soon can Abbott Laboratories produce and issue a thousand test units that can perform 50,000 tests per day. With a thousand units, it would be possible to perform 50,000,000 tests per day and test every person in the United States in one week. Knowing who is infected and how many in each state is crucial to any attempt to resurrect our former economy. A statistical analysis could probably reduce the number of tests needed to make decisions. Please start today.

Three levels of infection should be investigated—high, medium and low. Then using these levels, a plan to restart the economy for each level could be developed. As soon as a preliminary plan has been developed, issue the plans with multiple accuracy warnings to the public so that they can begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Since there are many people working 24/7 to keep this country running and fed, it would be nice to inform the public what percentage of the workforce is doing that. Thank God for those companies that have changed their product line to produce needed medical supplies. As more and better information is developed, tell the public so that they can begin their personal plan to return to work. Hopefully, keeping the public informed will prevent despair and maintain acceptable mental health.

It is also important that the various viruses be studied and medical treatment procedures to destroy them and prevent another pandemic must be developed. No excused accepted. This country does not need another pandemic that could be developed by our enemies using a virus. Vaccines will still be needed for the future, but they take a year to develop and we can’t wait while people die.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you