Since this observer is not privy to the workings of the Democratic Party, this analysis is based on “reading the tea leaves” of actions taken by the Democratic Party.

The Super Tuesday primaries are over and major changes have occurred. 2020 Presidential candidate Joe Biden was the big Democratic Party winner. He was floundering before the South Carolina primary, but when he got an endorsement from Democratic Congressman James Clyburn, he surged to a major win over opponent Bernie Sanders because simultaneously 2020 Presidential opponents Mike Bloomberg, Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigleg withdrew from the race and endorsed him while Elizabeth Warren withdrew without making an endorsement . What happened?

The TV news reported that the Democratic Party became s concerned that the party could nominate Bernie Sanders as their 2020 presidential candidate. Bernie Sanders is an American professional politician who has expressed his admiration for Marxist/communist regimes like Cuba and Venezuela. According to news reports, a Sanders candidacy caused 16 billionaires to take action. Apparently they convinced three of the candidates to withdraw from the race and endorse Joe Biden who was considered to be the one most electable. The plan worked and today Joe Biden is the Democratic Party frontrunner. Later Cory Booker and Kamala Harris endorsed Biden for president.

In 2018 Mike Bloomberg spent millions of dollars to support Democrats for Congress and has been given credit for helping the Democrats to retake control of the House of Representatives. Tina Turner has classified Mr. Bloomberg during a TV interview as a Democratic Party oligarch and she could be right. The Democrats have used their House majority to pursue a coup d’etat to remove President Trump using clearly unconstitutional and fascist tactics in the process. The newly elected Democratic members of Congress have violated their pledge to the voters because Instead of legislating, they and the rest of the Democrats have politicized everything. The House and Senate Democratic leadership has failed their party and the American people. So was the billionaires’ action the beginning of a movement to replace the party leadership with billionaire oligarchs? Who knows? The Democratic Party leadership clearly demonstrates why Congressional term limits are a necessity because professional politicians are only interested in politics instead of working to help the people who elected them. In their political pursuit, these professional politicians violated their oath to faithfully follow and obey the Constitution of the United States. What do you think would happen to ordinary people like you and I if they wanted to destroy us? Do they deserve to be elected again?

This observer does not believe Joe Biden can win a fair and honest election, so the Democratic strategy may be to steal the 2020 election like they did the 1960 election using voter fraud. Since it worked for the Democrats in 1960, it is extremely likely they have committed voter fraud in every election since. Joe Biden’s vice presidential pick will likely be Booker or Harris. Assuming that the Democrats steal the election, at this time Biden does not have the mental or moral (Ukraine video) capacity to be President. Within the first few months of his administration, the Democrats will use the 25th Amendment to remove him from office and replace him with his vice president.

NOTE: Should the Democrats steal the 2020 elections, this observer believes that event will be the trigger that will initiate a take no prisoners revolution that will cleanse our government so we can return to constitutional law but in that process may kill millions of people. Revolution can be avoided by instituting a Peoples Amendment that gives the public final approval rights on all government activity, congressional and bureaucratic term limits with post service prohibitions, public election financing and a return to constitutional law with all political judges including those on the Supreme Court removed and replaced.

No Democratic Party and some Republican Party politicians deserve to be re-elected in 2020. Due to the tainted politics of the past two years, if voters were sincere in their desire for good government, they would insist that every Congressional candidate for every party must sign a legal accountability contract that requires that at any time after being elected, the now member of Congress can be forced to resign if defeated in a recall election by his or her constituents. Only this People Power tactic can begin the political cleansing this country sorely needs.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you