When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Attorney General William Barr was appointed to clean up the mess created by his predecessor and the Obama administration attorney generals. So far AG Barr has done little to nothing to clean up the lawless corruption.

FBI Director Christopher Wray was appointed to clean up the FBI, but instead he has been covering up the criminal misdeeds of the FBI agents in his department. If he hasn’t cleaned up the department, why is he still the Director? The public knows that criminal FBI agents still work there, so who wants to call the FBI for help when they don’t know if that agent can be trusted?

The One America News Network (OANN) along with Rudy Giuliani interviewed Ukrainians who have suffered under their country’s corruption and the corruption of too many United States citizens. These interviews were done in this country and in Europe when the Ukrainian participants were refused visas to come to the United States. Will AG Barr use any of the physical evidence collected by that team to prosecute corruption? Who knows? All indications are that the corruption conducted by the Obama administration and the current Democrats is massive. How can AG Barr do his job when it appears that he can trust only a few DOJ employees? Has staff he can trust been added? If not, why?

Inspector General Horowitz made several criminal referrals in his first report. Why would IG Horowitz make any such referrals on the FISA report when nothing was done on his previous recommendations? AG Barr must explain to the American public—his bosses—why nothing has been done. Without indictments and trials the public knows nothing. Is AG Barr waiting for the statute of limitations to expire so he doesn’t have to prosecute anyone? The whole world knows that high public officials were involved in the Mueller witch hunt. Is AG Barr afraid to prosecute them because of one system of justice for the Democrats and another different one for the Republicans? Did President Trump appoint the wrong people to the FBI and Department of Justice to clean up the corrupt mess? To this dumb observer, the answer appears to be yes.

This observer—Mr. Nobody—takes issue with the Gestapo tactics still being used under AG Barr’s DOJ and Director Wray’s FBI to arrest and imprison Republicans who are prosecuted. More and more it looks like some of these persons were convicted using fake evidence manufactured by the Democratic Party. Another investigation not done?

During the impeachment, the Democrats frequently referenced the Constitution and the rule of law. They along with the legal “profession” , the judiciary and five members of the Supreme Court have done their best to destroy the rule of law by using a political agenda to deviate from the written United States Constitution and ignore equal justice for all. With all the crime being committed against law enforcement and the public, this country is moving towards anarchy and a huge political explosion. Please fix it NOW.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you