When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

It is becoming well known that the Democratic Party during the Obama Administration did its very best to indoctrinate and weaponize the entire federal bureaucracy. It has recently been confirmed that the Democratic Party as early as 2015 had planned on impeaching Donald J. Trump if he was elected President. Why? Is it to cover up crimes they had already committed? If Hillary Clinton had been elected President, we would have never learned of these crimes. Without evidence to the contrary, it must be assumed that corrupt indoctrination and weaponization was and is massive.

It seemed to start with the IRS abuse of the Tea Party groups. Presumably later it spread to the FBI, Department of Justice, CIA, NSA, State Department including members of the Foreign Service and some ambassadors, the military and the rest of the federal bureaucracy.

The FISA court judges have approved more than 98% of all FISA submittals. Can the FISA courts be trusted? Has Chief Justice Roberts been as diligent as necessary to insure the integrity of this court?

Some television networks broadcast organized and coordinated identical propaganda 24/7/365. How can those broadcasts be free speech when yelling fire in a crowded theater is not? Once again the five judges with a political agenda on the Supreme Court do nothing.

It appears that almost every Democratic politician is a control freak hell bent on transforming our country into another Venezuela or worse– a communist one. That is why they are for confiscating the firearms law abiding citizens use to defend their families and themselves.

Many mostly large corporations donate millions of dollars to all politicians to buy influence to help their companies make more money. For instance, the companies that use cheap illegal immigrant labor donate to politicians who protect open borders knowing that they are violating the law and hurting the United States workers and the American taxpayers by increasing illegal immigrant welfare and healthcare costs. These fake Americans don’t give a damn

The federal courts know that legislating from the bench is not constitutional because it ignores the constitutional separation of powers, but knowing that does not stop them..

All illegal aliens are not trustworthy. How can you trust someone whose first act in the United States is to break the law? All aliens once deported who re-enter this country upon proof they have already been deported must be executed and returned home in a body bag. This is a harsh sentence but it is and should be a very strong deterrent to re-entry into this country once deported. It appears that all Democrats support their re-entry and refuse to prosecute them when they kill Americans and otherwise violate the law.

According to recent news reports, the coup d’etat insurance policy planning began when President Trump announced his candidacy for president. How do you try to prevent this from ever happening again? A coup d’etat is treason, so everyone convicted of coup d’etat planning must be executed. No jail time for traitors. Only someone with a death wish would even consider this stupidity again.

How do we start to fix the problem? It appears that most of the government bureaucrats and politicians who overstay their welcome are the problem. They consider themselves entitled to keep their jobs for as long as they wish. The bureaucrats must be term limited to four years and like the rest of this country, their pension accrual must be changed to 401k. Furthermore, they would be prohibited from working for any company that does business with the government for 10 years.

A constitutional amendment would be needed to limit Senators to two terms and House members to three terms.

The Revised Accountability Amendment to our constitution found on this website would give the public the ability to remove any elected or appointed government official, overturn Supreme Court rulings and overturn legislation and regulations passed by the Congress and signed by the President. This amendment would allow the public to clean house at any time in the election cycle to a degree that the politicians will never do.

For abusing the public trust and ignoring needed legislation by trying to impeach President Trump these past three years, the voters should limit Democratic politicians to 40 House seats and 20 Senate seats for at least 20 years. It should be noted that it looks like every change promoted by the Democratic Party and their 2020 Presidential candidates are directed towards removing all constitutional protections for the American public in favor of involuntary slavery to our government. Replace Democrats with Republicans, Independents or a new political party with candidates who believe in our constitution as written, term limits, a balanced budget and sign a legal accountability contract that permits their constituents to recall them after three months in office for any reason .

It is difficult for this observer to understand how Attorney General William Barr and US Attorney John Durham will be able to have the staff to prosecute thousands of criminal cases many of which are for treason. How long must the American public wait before they start to see justice delivered? Could they be assisted by cabinet officers implementing four year term limits on all staff—no amendment needed.

If the rule of law with equal justice for all is not delivered to the American people by our government, sadly the only way to clean house may be armed revolution. The constitution provides for a militia to suppress insurrections and invasions both of which are underway today. This option appears to being ignored by the current administration. Should revolution become necessary to cleanse our country of traitors and illegals, it could become very bloody. Since the revolutionaries have no knowledge about who is trustworthy and who is not, it could happen that all members of government whose loyalty to our country and constitution is unknown will be executed by the revolutionaries. May God help us to prevent this option from becoming necessary to restore this country’s rule of law with equal justice for all.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you