When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Once again for the second time in less than 20 years Saudi Arabians have deliberately killed American citizens. What other supposed American ally nation has citizens who have done that?

All Saudi citizens training in this country should be returned to Saudi Arabia and not allowed to return for at least six months while Saudi Arabia and the United States evaluate what vetting procedures are necessary before any Saudi is are admitted into this country. In addition to these acts, the Saudi Arabian government is donating monies to American universities presumably to “educate” Americans on how they perceive and practice their Wahhabi version of Islam. Trusting the Saudis is the problem. Remember, Islam invites Muslims to lie to non Muslims.

In 2001 President Bush kissed their butts because this country’s economy needed their oil. This country no longer needs their oil. Maybe the United States needs to recall their air defense troops recently sent to Saudi Arabia to protect them from Iran.

If the military manufacturing companies cry wolf and worry about sales, that is just too bad. In this day and age, too many large companies sell out for money and don’t seem to give a damn how it affects this country’s security. In other words, too may company CEOs and boards of directors sell out in the name of fiduciary responsibility while ignoring their fidelity responsibility to protect the company and the American people. Anything goes for a buck for too many companies and investors!!

Ernie Kanak

No thank you