When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Did Representative Ilhn Omar illegally enter the United States? What are the results of that investigation? If she is guilty don’t expect the crooked Democratic Party to follow the rule of law and equal justice for all and recommend that she must have her citizenship revoked and be deported back to Somalia.

When is Hillary Clinton going to be indicted for her criminal behavior? Is the Justice Department Inspector General trying to run out the clock on the statute of limitations before issuing his report?

It has been reported on Fox TV that the FISA Court is still issuing search warrants to the FBI that violate the Constitution. If those warrants violate the Constitution, when will this court be shut down and the law permitting NSA spying on Americans be repealed? President Bush blew this one. Another lawyer violating our Constitution. All indications are that this law was used to spy on President Trump’s campaign and administration by converting the FBI and DOJ into the American Gestapo. .

It is clear that the Democratic Party and some Republicans are control freaks. This observer believes that while the Democrats are advocating Socialism, they secretly prefer Communism and the total control that system of government gives its leaders to make life and death decisions.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you