When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

This observer agrees with most decisions President Trump makes, but the decision to withdraw all troops from Syria to fulfill a campaign promise made in 2016 seemed to present problems. The conditions that existed in 2016 no longer exist today. Why the withdrawal now?

While Turkey was operating as a secular nation in 2016, there could be some degree of trust. Can the Sharia Muslim Turkey that exists today be trusted?

ISIS fighters entered Syria from a compliant Turkey.

Turkey purchased the oil ISIS stole from confiscated wells in Syria and Iraq

The Turks are considering buying Russian made air defense while they apparently want the United States to sell them our latest fighter planes which may then be turned over to the Russians.

The Kurds fought and died alongside Americans. After our withdrawal, the Turks invaded Syria and began killing the Kurds. President Trump imposed sanctions on Turkey and sent Vice President Pence and Secretary of State Pompeo to Turkey to try to stop the bloodshed. It appears that a 20 mile buffer zone has been established which at this time seems to satisfy both the Turks and Kurds.

With the death of ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi using the United States’ special forces military, it appears that this raid was accomplished only because we had enough American military nearby to quickly use combined Allied and United States intelligence to plan and execute this mission. Instead of being the world‘s policemen with the potential for huge cost, large numbers of troops and loss of American lives, has President Trump found a way for us to protect our country by using much smaller special forces military stationed near hotspots to quickly respond to the latest United States and Allied intelligence?

If saving money or bringing troops home is the issue, bring home all of our troops stationed in Western Europe. It once was a good place for a military deployment, but since the Muslim invasion, how safe is it for American soldiers?

Don’t expect the European NATO nations to protest Turkey’s Russian involvement or to even consider removing Turkey from NATO. They allowed millions of Muslims who will not assimilate to invade their countries and murder and rape their citizens. No more US troops should be sent to Europe to bail them out from their latest stupid mistakes.

By the way, it was good that House Speaker Pelosi was not informed of the raid because she would have probably leaked the information and may have caused a loss of American lives. She and the Democratic Party cannot be trusted to abandon their political agenda to do what is best for the American people.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you