When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

The question is why are the Democrats pursuing the impeachment of President Trump?

The answer is to cover up the crimes committed by prominent Democrats during the Obama Administration. Using impeachment is the way they have chosen to protect their lawlessness and run out the clock on the statute of limitations to negate the rule of law and equal justice for all. There is zero accountability when that happens.

The Republican Party gets a big fat zero in protecting our Constitution, the rule of law and our President.
The Senate committees have subpoena power to investigate the Democratic lawless witch hunts, but don’t use that power. Why are they not trying to counteract Democratic Party lawlessness using the rule of law? The answer is that they are useless fake Americans who don’t care about this country and just wet their pants while doing nothing

More and more it looks like the corrupt legal and judicial systems will not deliver justice. For too many years, the law has given criminals more and more rights while discriminating against and taking away rights from law abiding citizens who have committed no crimes.

If the American public decides that there will be no justice without their intervention, God only knows what will happen. Since impeachment has started, maybe it is time for all citizens who love this country and our way of life to start thinking about how to take back our country from the crooks.

If a revolution by the public becomes necessary, be it known that revolutionaries do not honor statute of limitations and our corrupt legal and judicial systems. Persons who participate in coup d’etat planning are committing treason for which the penalty is death.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you