When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Is it now true that the Justice Department Southern District of New York is as corrupt as the Washington D.C. cesspool? Did Jeffery Epstein commit suicide or was he murdered to permanently silence him? The guards who were responsible to protect Epstein are being uncooperative. Once again a person who could cause damage by association with a Clinton mysteriously dies. How many times has this scenario played out? Too many!!

To prevent these guards from mysteriously dying, the Justice Department should put those guards and their families under protective custody.

Have the Democrats decided to use communist tactics and kill their foes? The Democrats propensity to favor violent groups like Antifa, Black Lives Matter and their insane response to police officer shootings by blaming guns instead of the deranged killer’s mental condition who used the gun is alarming. If they truly wanted to solve the problem instead trying to create a United States Venezuela, they would fund mental health programs instead of insane free stuff.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you