When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

It looks like President Trump’s announcement of a tariff on all Mexican exports to the United States is a last ditch effort to stop the alien invasion of our border before the military will have to start shooting all adult invaders. The President and the American people have been confronted by the do nothing insane brainless communist-loving Democratic Party, a moronic Republican party except for a few conscientious House members and a scum federal judiciary led by an anarchist Supreme Court with 41/2 politically activist judges—not justices. The 41/2 judges don’t know the meaning of justice anymore. It is time for the American people to clean out the Congress and investigate every federal employee to clean out the scum. That includes the rank and file who see the corruption and do nothing. The American public must demand that we have the rule of law and equal justice for all—no exceptions. The voters must insist on accountability of all politicians using a legally enforceable contract that allows the voters at any time to petition for a recall election to remove unacceptable politicians from office. Why vote for anyone who does not want to be accountable.

It is this observer’s opinion that the President has brilliantly chosen to use tariffs and the public’s perception that they are bad to exert maximum public pressure on the American and Mexican politicians to fix the immigration system so that the tariffs can be eliminated. Illegal aliens have cost the American taxpayer more than 110 billion dollars so far this year.

If the tariffs cause massive public outrage and demonstrations to force the stupid politicians on both sides of the border to permanently stop illegal invasions, mission accomplished. On the American side, this means Congress passes ALL THE LAWS NECESSARY TO PERMANENTLY FIX IMMIGRATION AND ELIMINATE BIRTH RIGHT CITIZENSHIP EXCEPT FOR US CITIZENS WHICH OUR SLOPPY SUPREME COURT HAS ALLOWED.

On the Mexican side, it appears that total extinction of the cartels must happen. Maybe it will be necessary for all the Mexican citizens to arm themselves and do what their government won’t do. Who knows?

Ernie Kanak

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