When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Several Republican Senators have announced that they are working on a new immigration bill. One of its proposed features would be to grant a visa to immigrants who come to this country and invest $1,350,000 or more to create jobs. This would be a good thing if the immigrant is sincere about being an American. This observer would like to know how these senators would prevent another George Soros from coming here and constantly attempting to undermine our and foreign governments. What if a drug lord set up fake companies to hire people to launder their drug profits? What if this type of behavior is not detected until years later? How would these situations be corrected?

Did someone in the corrupt Democratic Party order the murder of former DNC staffer Seth Rich? Why is this murder being covered up by the corrupt DC politicians and crooked cops?

Since the Democrats have so many indoctrinated, undereducated and uniformed supporters of their party who believe the Let’s Pretend mainstream media’s fake news propaganda is the truth, is it time for a sanity check? The Democrats promote fascist and communist doctrine with impunity and the Republican members of Congress wet their pants and say nothing. What will happen to this country if this type of behavior continues?

Despite what our Supreme Court has ruled, this country cannot afford to provide free food, housing, medical care and education to millions of illegal aliens. We need a Supreme Court that protects the American people—not millions of illegal invaders many of whom may be criminals and/or terrorists. We need a Constitutional Supreme Court.

It is this observer’s opinion that politics has not stopped and will not stop the border invasion. Only the use of force will do that. First and foremost, we need to repel the alien invasion to prevent total chaos spreading to the entire country. Total chaos appears to be the Democratic Party’s political objective.

Martial law must be declared for all the counties that are on the Mexican border and a warning issued that only existing border entry stations will allow traffic. Every person and vehicle entering our country must undergo a comprehensive inspection. All adults whether accompanying children or not who try to enter our country anywhere else besides a lawful entry station must be shot. This action is necessary to make all illegal alien invasion so dangerous that the invasion will stop. This action will hopefully serve as a precedent for how to deal with all future unwanted alien invasions. In addition, all drug lord lookouts on United State’s soil must be removed.

The defense of our country should be a military objective but our politically infected generals prefer to defend the borders of other countries instead of ours. We do not need politically appointed generals and staff who do not want to defend our country’s borders.

Maybe the defense can be done by the constitutional militia or a large posse for each border county sheriff. Recently, the Texas’ Lt. Governor stated that to date in Texas, over 1600 bodies and/or skeletons of men, women and children who died after illegal entry into our country have been discovered by ranchers on their land. It would not surprise this observer if the number of illegal aliens in this country is understated because many of them are undetected by living on a cash economy and not paying income taxes. Could there be as many as 50 million illegals here? How long will it take ICE to find and deport all illegal aliens from this country without massive manpower assistance from some other American group? How much taxpayer monies will be saved by deporting all the aliens using federal, state and local government assistance? Billions and billions of dollars. The United States cannot continue to try to support the rest of the world and solve their problems despite what the Supreme Court rules.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you