When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

The Democrats are proposing drones and sensors as part of a supposedly intelligent wall to prevent illegal immigration. How do they propose to use a drone or sensor to prevent illegal immigration? Are they going to put missiles or machine guns on the drones to kill the aliens to prevent invasion? We know Democrats do not want to kill what they believe are their future voters. What about increasing the number of border agents? Since the invaders walk up to the border agents and claim asylum, how will that prevent the illegal alien invasion? The Democrats have become Let’s Pretenders along with the Let’s Pretend media and make up stories to tell the public. Maybe the Let’s Pretend Democrats who previously voted for a wall will sprinkle vanishing dust to stop the illegals at the border. Obviously, to anyone with any intelligence and who is not insane, there will be no illegal alien prevention with the Democratic plan. Without some type of physical barrier at the border, there is no stopping the invasion unless riflemen shoot and kill the invaders as they cross the border into the United States. With open borders the population of this country could reach one billion in five years and turn the United States into a huge slum similar to Venezuela.

There is an old saying “Do a job big or small, do it right or not at all”. According to the latest news reports, the legislation to use the military budget to defend our country and allow barriers to be built is current law. So with that in mind, President Trump should BUILD NOW EVERY MILE OF BORDER WALL THAT HOMELAND SECURITY SAYS THEY NEED TO PROTECT US AND TO HELP PREVENT ANY MORE ILLEGAL ALIENS KILLING AMERICAN CITIZENS. PRESIDENT TRUMP WILL GET ALL KINDS OF HEAT FROM EVERYONE WHETHER HE BUILDS ONE MILE OR THE WHOLE DAMN BORDER WALL NECESSARY, SO BUILD THE WHOLE WALL NOW. If the 9th circuit court says stop with another political order, ignore the order. If the Supreme Court ignores the law and constitution again, ignore them too. They are not the supreme branch of government, only one of three separate and equal branches. Courts have no ability to enforce any ruling—only the executive branch has that power. If the courts try to involve the corrupt FBI and Justice Departments, every member of these departments who has ignored the rule of law should be fired. Reconstitute both departments by rehiring retired former members of these departments who love this country enough to return to service to help the President rebuild fair and honest departments. With regards to the military, there could be a problem with former Obama appointees still there.

According to what this observer has seen on TV, our President has some members of the White House staff who have imbedded their knives in his back. The Republican leadership and too many Republicans have their knives in his back. The entire Democratic Party has their knives in his back. The Let’s Pretend media have their knives in his back.

Many ordinary citizens like me thank the President for what he is trying to do for this country while constantly being attacked by the scum referenced above. We don’t understand how he is able to continue to deliver good results for the American people while enduring these difficult conditions, but we admire his willingness to continue to fight the good fight. Thank you President Trump. Thank you very much.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you