When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post). More so than ever before, the American people need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution to control government and fix the current political insanity. Until such time that an amendment can be passed, every elected political office except President and Vice President of the United States should require the candidate to sign a legal accountability contract agreeing to a constituent recall election if deemed necessary.

For decades the news media has leaned towards the left (Socialism and Communism). Since President Trump was elected, the shift to the left has become overt instead of covert and its intensity has increased to a fever pitch. The let’s pretend media has pretended to broadcast news when in fact many of the reports are opinion and make-believe. The true facts are not important to them. What is important is that their make-believe propaganda is working if you believe the unreliable polls that are constantly being issued. Why?

It is this observer’s opinion that one of the reasons this is taking place is that the let’s pretend TV media broadcasts are the kings of FREE TV. This observer is unaware of any conservative TV stations in major metropolitan areas in both Blue and Red States. The most effective broadcasts on these stations might well be 24 hour 100% news broadcasts or simulcasts. That way the viewer could dial in news at any time of the day or night FOR FREE. No cable or satellite purchases would be needed. Two existing networks might serve as broadcast or simulcast candidate models. They would be FOX NEWS (lots and lots of politics) and One America News Network (mostly straight news with some opinion and special reports).

Republicans call themselves conservatives but when push comes to shove and they must take a stand, most of them wet their pants. Only our President has the guts to fight for what is right, but he has very little support from the wet pants Republicans. The Democrats are all firm in their push for enslavement of the American people using what they call Socialism—they prefer communism but that would result in millions of Americans being killed. The news has reported that Stalin killed 40 million people to convert Russia into the Soviet Union and Mao Zedong killed 100 million Chinese to make communism happen. Communists do not share power.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you