When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

In the heyday of radio (1930s to the 1950s) there was a children’s show called Let’s Pretend. Its broadcasts featured make believe stories or fairy tales. For someone who grew up during that era, the stories stimulated the minds of the young listeners to imagine and dream. Imagination is the birth place of innovation and discovery.

Today, this concept of let’s pretend is being co-opted by many groups to deliver political messages and/or propaganda. The messages or stories delivered are primarily make-believe. The groups who are the source of these make-believe stories want everyone who reads or listens to their messages to believe them to be fact or true.

The most extreme make-believe story today is the Mueller Witch Hunt. Two years of investigation has not discovered any crime committed by our President, but has uncovered a whole litany of crimes committed by those who supposedly were to objectively investigate. Why then does the witch hunt continue? Politics is the reason. The witch hunt team has basically ignored the Rule of Law and rules for Special Counsel formation and conduct by its staff in their insane desire to remove President Trump from office by impeachment or a coup d’etat. Should any coup d’etat planning be proved, all participants must be executed upon conviction. There must be no more nefarious political witch hunts In this country.

The let’s pretend mainstream media and the let’s pretend politicians are helped by the fact that the listener or reader may want these make-believe stories to be true. These Let’s Pretenders have no ethical standards of behavior. By repeating their messages hundreds of times the groups targeted may finally believe the propaganda to be true. Fascist governments have used this principle for decades to indoctrinate their citizens. That is why during political campaign season—which is now all the time—the messages are continuously repeated.

The sad truth is that the Supreme Court has ruled that propaganda is legal and protected by the First Amendment; however, the Second Amendment which states “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” can be regulated. Their interpretation of these two amendments is the height of hypocrisy and illustrates that political bias by Supreme Court Justices have denigrated their ability to reason making them unfit to serve as Supreme Court Justices. The politicians love to politicize the courts and this observer believes that most Americans despise this practice because the people– not the politicians—are always the ones who suffer the consequences.

We can hope that the Supreme Court Justices will have an epiphany and realize that propaganda by organizations who the public expects to deal only with facts and the truth must be regulated because these groups have no ethical standards of behavior. The federal courts tolerance to propaganda has besmirched their reputation to the point that it enforces the belief that we no longer have the Rule of Law in this country. Some federal courts have become a cruel joke.

Ernie Kanak

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