When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.




When the law, rules and regulations for corporations were written many years ago, they affected everyone who was an American. Since many corporate endeavors can be risky, corporations are a way to reduce individual liability.  With all the parts being American, corporate law seemed to work for the benefit of all Americans.


Today, we have globalists and maybe corporate law should be changed to accommodate this change. It would seem to this observer that existing corporate law may no longer be valid in a world of globalization.  The United States Constitution was written to protect the rights of American citizens who lived in the United States.  Corporate law should also protect American workers and companies.  Currently, Iran, North Korea and Cuba are prohibited from owning an American corporation.  Since China has embarked on a goal to become the world’s foremost power, China needs to be added to this list.  China has used purchasing US corporations as a way to steal our technology and American companies have willing turned over their technology to the Chinese in order to increase profits by participation in the Chinese economy.  Have these corporations exchanged short term profits for potential long term disaster?  There are reports that the Chinese are using contracts with congressional relatives to buy congressional favor.  One California Senator had a Chinese spy working for her for a number of years.  Where is the accountability for these acts?


To some American companies making money is more important than protecting American technology and their workers. Maybe it is time to revoke their articles of incorporation and let them become a corporation in another country under the laws in that country.  In recent times, American corporations have used immigration law to reduce costs by importing foreign workers using the H-1B and H-2B visas.  To add insult to injury, some companies had qualified American employees train the foreigners who were there to replace them. Are corporations who employ mostly non citizens really American?  Maybe when 30% of any company’s employees are non citizens, then that company should automatically be classified as a foreign corporation and must register as a foreign corporation.  It must also be banned from doing any classified work for the United States government.  In today’s world of corporate technology theft and espionage, a 30% non citizen worker threshold may be much too high.  Digital flash drives make cyber espionage theft much easier.  Could it be that repressive foreign countries find it easier to steal technology than spend the time and money to develop their own technology?  Don’t help our enemies steal years of research and work using a flash drive.  Without access to the technology, theft is much more difficult.


American finance, genius, research and innovation should benefit the United States first and foremost. If you live in America, take care of Americans first.  No American technology should ever be shared with any organization whose country’s goal is to supplant and destroy the United States of America.  If American company CEOs and boards of directors are not smart enough to increase stockholder value and protect their technology, they should not be running any company.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you