When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post).  More so than ever before, the American people need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution to control government and fix the current political insanity.  Until such time that an amendment can be passed, every elected political office except President and Vice President of the United States should require the candidate to sign a legal accountability contract agreeing to a constituent recall election if deemed necessary.



With the Democratic Party taking control of the House of Representatives and the Republicans increasing their number in the Senate, there has been a lot of discussion in the media as to why this happened and what does it portend for the future.


The Democratic Party campaigned on increasing taxes, healthcare and impeaching President Trump.   Are the Democratic voters so stupid that they want increased taxes?  This observer does not think they are that stupid.  Obamacare was passed first and foremost to show the American public that the federal government was in control no matter what the public wanted, was designed to fail and has not delivered good and economical healthcare.  What about the irrational hatred for our President?  Do the Democrats want to waste time and money on a futile attempt to impeach the President?  It appears that those insane politicians do want to be stupid.  Where are they going to get the 67 votes in the Senate?  Any Republican senator who would vote for impeachment will find that there is no safe rabbit hole.  President Trump has done more to restore the American economy, implement common sense foreign policy and increase the general wellbeing of the American public in two years than any president in my lifetime.  Is the American public so stupid that they want to throw all of that away because they don’t like the President’s tweets?  The answer is no.


If the Democrats’ campaign was based on tax increases, healthcare, character assassination and the divisive politics that they always use, why did they win? The answer is retribution.  The public did not vote the Democrats into office as much as they voted the useless lying Republicans out.  Why did so many Republican members of Congress retire or announce retirement?  They were afraid of the backlash for lying.  If viable independent candidates were running for Congress, they would have been an alternative to any Democrat.  When the Tea Parties were formed they became such formidable organizations that the Obama Administration used the IRS to sabotage them.  If the Tea Party zeal still exists today, to effect change they must transform into a political party.  It is this observer’s opinion that every politician should support President Trump’s agenda because it is the best one for AMERICA:  “Promises made, promises kept” or out the door they go.  There are still too many garbage Republicans and all of the returning Democrats in Congress that must be replaced to continue the restoration of America.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you