When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force. Sometimes this pursuit of power to use government force becomes so strong it can become criminal.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post)




Well, the mid-term elections are over and the Democratic Party is trying to steal the elections of a United States senator and state governor in Florida. They are using the same tactic used by Mayor Richard J. Daley to steal the 1960 presidential election for John F. Kennedy.  After Republican votes have been reported, two heavily Democratic counties are seemingly manufacturing votes to decide those races.  Mayor Daley used that tactic in 1960.  By not contesting the vote, Richard Nixon and President Eisenhower later admitted that they had made a mistake.  So the Democrats have been stealing elections ever since with no Republican contesting the results in court.  By the way, election fraud is criminal.  If there is any good news about this situation, it is that Governor Scott is filing a lawsuit to protect his win.  IT IS ABOUT TIME THAT A REPUBLICAN HAS FOUGHT BACK.  Since there have been no negative consequences for Democrats stealing elections, why would they ever stop.  Forget about ethics and integrity, Democrats have  none.  Oh, by the way, in 2016 the Democrats were so sure Hillary would win,  they probably cut back on their voter fraud assault which is why they are so angry now.  When Broward County did not follow the law during and after the election they forfeited their right to report more votes, so a judge should declare that all votes after the deadline are null and void: therefore, the Republican candidates who were leading at that time should be declared the winners.  When are the Republicans going to insist that Democrats follow the law and file as many lawsuits as needed when they do not.  Wake up stupid Republicans!!!!!!


Now that we have a new Acting Attorney General, it is time for the Justice Department to start releasing all of the documents requested by the Congressional committees—no excuses. The public needs full disclosure of the illegal activity perpetrated by the FBI and Justice Department as well as the rest of the DEEP STATE.  There is no justice today in this country due to the activist federal judiciary and bureaucratic criminal activity, so there are no reputations left to protect.  This must be done now before the Democrats take over.


When the coup d’etat participants have been indentified, prosecuted and convicted, they must be executed to serve as an example so that no coup d’etat is ever considered again.   In addition, a new special prosecutor must be appointed to investigate the IRS, Uranium One, Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, Benghazi, the FISA Court and judges, the fake dossier used by the Mueller Russian witch hunt and more.


If the caravan breeches the concertina wire placed at our border, the military stationed at the border must defend our country against these terrorists and criminal invaders and shoot to kill all adults. When the casualties get high enough, the invasion will stop.  The goal is to protect American citizens and United States sovereignty by stopping all illegal immigration.  Let the fascist loving Democrats and their legal team protest to protect their love for open borders anarchy.  If the UN wants to get involved, please tell them that it would be a good idea if they can move their headquarters out of our country within the next six months.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you