Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post).  Recent events have clearly demonstrated the need for the public to help solve our problems and not the politicians.  We need a constitutional Accountability Amendment now.


When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns. Chaotic politics were the norm during the Justice Kavanaugh confirmation proceedings.  During this time every Democratic Senator confirmed that Democrats do not believe in the Rule of Law.  The Democrats have also demonstrated a complete lack of civility and decency.


In 2016, the Democratic rank and file voter demonstrated that had the party nominated Al Capone for President, they would have voted for him—but since he was no longer alive, they voted for unindicted criminal Hillary Clinton.


The gods worshiped by the Democrats are money, power and control.


Their coup d‘etat allies in the federal government Deep State bureaucracy like the corrupt FBI and Justice Department manufactured a false dossier to spy on Republican candidate Donald J. Trump and then created the Mueller witch hunt to try to remove duly elected President Trump from office. When will the convictions and executions of these coup d’etat participants begin?  Hopefully, soon.  No long court appeals are needed for lawyers to make money and justice to be denied.


Democrats support violent groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Their promotion of violence against others is dangerous and insane.


When Democrats want demonstrations or riots, their billionaire supporters hire the people needed. Why are these billionaires allowed to come into our country and bring their seditious practices with them?  Answer.  Stupid immigration policy is why.


Why not publicly issue the name and address of every demonstrator or rioter every time they are arrested? Or better yet, do that and have the police develop and maintain a file to be shared with all police departments on these scum bucket people.


A vote for every Democratic politician is a vote for fascist and/or communist government.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you