When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post).  After the Kavanaugh debacle, this country clearly needs a constitutional Accountability Amendment.



The Democrats have declared that they want higher taxes and more big government regulation and control which will likely kill many jobs and the economy. They don’t care.  They want power and control.  In addition, the Democrats want to kill all of the criminal FBI and Justice Department investigations to protect the Democratic Party and want to continue the Supreme Court political activism appointments like those made by Democratic Presidents.  Ironically, the Supreme Court was created to rule on constitutional issues, but recent appointments to the Court have been justices who want to unconstitutionally change and destroy our written Constitution.  Most of those justices appointed by Democratic presidents are political hacks whose political bias make them unfit to serve on the Court.  The Democrats were terrified that if Judge Kavanaugh was made a justice, the Supreme Court might actually go back to following our Constitution.  If you think that the Democrats want the rule of law instead of corrupt criminal politics, you must be reading and/or watching the fake news.  The Democratic politicians’ open borders advocacy presents a clear and present danger to the future of this country.  Vote Democrat and you will soon be a minority in your country of birth.


If you vote for a Republican who wants to follow President Trump’s agenda, you should get more common sense governance. Otherwise voting for a Republican is voting for a pig in a poke—who knows what you will get.  There are no honest, ethical and moral Democratic politicians and not enough Republicans who meet this standard.  A vote for a Democrat is a vote for fascism/communism.  It is the opinion of this observer that a vote for a Republican member of Congress is the lesser of two evils unless that candidate supports President Trump’s agenda.


If possible, always get every candidate to sign a legal accountability recall contract.


When the candidates from both parties are questionable, try to have a write-in candidate available to elect and an organization formed and ready to get that individual elected.


Ernie Kanak

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