When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce these principles. This is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)



Is it time to remove useless politicians from office? These politicians are only in politics for what they can suck from the government teat in the sky and feed from the public government trough.  They are constantly going for more goodies for themselves.  These are the worst kind of local, state and national politicians.  Many of these politicians have never had a real job in our economy.  They are professional politicians.  These are the worst kind of politician.  More on that is discussed in “The Book”.  The country is full of them.  For them, the need for personal power greatly exceeds any desire to do anything good for their constituents.  Almost every non term limited politician in office for more than two terms, every member of the United States Senate who has been in office for two or more terms and every Representative in the United States House of Representatives who has been in office for three or more terms are defined as professional politicians.  There are some good politicians who meet this definition, but they are few and far between and so we are back to counting the good ones using fingers and toes.


Please note that the statistics listed below are for this session of Congress and are based on data from website For some reason this database lists former members of Congress resulting in a total of 554 entries instead of 535.  This writer did not edit that list and used the data as presented to draw conclusions.


Did you know that there are 129 House Republicans, 119 House Democrats, 19 Senate Republicans and 11 Senate Democrats on the list of 554 that would meet the definition of a professional politician? These members represent 50% of the congressional delegation who probably should be at home living under the laws they passed.  It should be noted that the “politician’s union” defined in “The Book” tries to prevent new men and women to Congress from being effective.  Why send people to Congress if they cannot be effective?


21% on the list are females. This observer in the past has voted for female politicians in the hope that having more females in government would improve government.  It hasn’t–it has gotten worse but not totally due to their presence.   No more voting for females unless she is clearly the best candidate.


Did you know that 25 (5%) of the members listed are or were in Congress for more than 30 years.


Ninety one members (34 Republicans and 57 Democrats) listed are or were in Congress for more than 20 years.


One hundred forty (60 Republicans and 80 Democrats) listed are or were in Congress for more than 15 years.


The question is how can so many persons spend so many years in Congress and do so little good for the people of this country?


Based on more data from website for this year through August 30,2018, the House of Representatives were in session for 121 days, the Senate was in session for 128 days while the number of days most Americans were required to work was 175 days. Why pay Congress full time pay when they only work part time?  Is part time attention to the peoples’ business why so little gets done?  Since most professional politicians are bought and paid for by their donors and don’t always tell the truth, why do they take so much time off?


The American voter is insane because they allow politicians to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. If the American public does not become more informed on political matters that affect them, we may lose this country and all personal freedom.  Politicians do not want people who think for themselves.  They want indoctrinated human robots who will do what they are told to do.  If our forefathers did not politic, we would not have the country we have today.


With the internet and email, small groups of voters could communicate on issues that interest them. These groups could share ideas on these issues.  Prior to the primary elections, these small groups could contact other small groups in each election jurisdiction to form a large group to develop and agree on a legislative agenda that they would like their elected representative to pursue.  In other words, give all the candidates a people’s agenda to do if elected.  No candidate should be allowed to set an agenda.  In addition, all candidates would be required to sign a legal accountability contract that would state that if and when the voters needed at any time during the election cycle to change representation, they circulate a petition and have a recall election which would decide whether or not the politician representing them stays or leaves office.  Defeat requires immediate resignation.


There will be resistance to an accountability contract, so the group needs to have a write-in candidate in mind to be the group’s representative. If a write-in candidate is elected several times, it is suspected that candidates will begin signing accountability contracts.


Why give any politician an agenda to pursue? Accountability is the reason.  Given an agenda of say 5-10 items to pursue, accomplishing the agenda items gives the voters a way to measure how effective their elected representative is.  If you give that person 6 items to do and they do none, has that person represented you?  The answer is no.  You need a new representative.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you