When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Has the mainstream propaganda media taken themselves beyond redemption? While the First Amendment will remain strong, those members of the mainstream media who ignore truth and preach an agenda of lies and propaganda should permanently lose the platforms which facilitate their ability to lie to the public.




This observer is totally disgusted with the national politicians and media. How long are the American people going to have to put up with corrupt politicians and bureaucrats, a justice system where there is no equal justice under the law and media propagandists?




The business pundits, politicians and so-called experts are always spouting trade war garbage. For years, other countries have used very high tariffs against all American goods and services while our brain dead government (politicians) had very low tariffs.  Now that President Trump is trying to get everyone’s attention by raising our tariffs in order to implement fair trades practices, these not-too-bright politicians and media are warning about a trade war when we have been in a one sided trade war for decades.  Does stealing intellectual property qualify as a fair trade practice?  Where have the politicians, the media, the rich and Wall Street crowd been the last 20-30 years when our trading partners have been stealing our country’s wealth and technology?  Have the business CEOs traded short term profits for long term disaster?  All of them have been making money while ignoring the damage these practices have done to our working class people and our economy.  They have forgotten that countries are primarily the people who inhabit a specific piece of dirt on this planet.  They just want to make tons of money and do not seem to care about any problems ordinary Americans have trying to work and pay their bills.  In all this, the media has been AWOL.


What will Wall Street do if China starts selling copies of Apple’s iPhone for half price because they have stolen enough technology to produce knock-off copies of the phone? What will happen if all the companies that have transferred technology to the Chinese have the same thing happen?  Stock prices will plummet and Wall Street will feel the pain that ordinary Americans have had to deal with for past decades.  Sadly, the little guy may get stiffed again if his 401k has those stocks.  By the way, returning production of many imported products back to the United States eliminates import tariffs.


One way to deal with the cheaper low cost items that the American public buys is source diversification. If you buy at Walmart, look at the label to see what country produced that product.  You will see that this diversification is underway today.  If those countries expand their product range, should not imports from Chine go down along with the trade deficit?


Remember the definition of GDP is Consumption + Investment + Government Spending + Net Exports which translates into a formula: GDP = C + I + G + NX[1].  For those who love Socialism and Communism, please note that without a job, from where is the money going to come to consume; with the government owning the means of production, from where is the investment going to come; government spending will depend on how much the people can be taxed; with low tariffs, the net imports will greatly exceed our exports so this number becomes a huge negative.  How much improvement have Venezuela and Cuba provided their people?  For the umpteenth time, Socialism and Communism destroy individual incentive, so they are contrary to human nature.  In human nature, God has given Man the desire to improve life for himself and his family, so he works hard to do that.


One of the biggest jokes of the century is Democrats professing that they want the rule of law.   They illegally spied on a presidential election, didn’t steal enough votes to win, fabricated charges against President Trump using the Obama weaponized FBI and Justice Department, began the Robert Mueller Trump Inquisition without proof of a crime being committed as required for a special counsel investigation to be started, bought and paid for a false dossier against the President, defrauded FISA judges who may or may not have been complicit—we need to find out—cooked up charges against persons associated with the Trump political campaign using unethical perjury traps, the Mueller gang is misusing  plea bargaining to get persons to “compose” lies about President Trump, have leaked classified intelligence to the crooked mainstream propaganda machine, have supported the fascist Antifa gangs and NOW THEY SAY THEY WANT THE RULE OF LAW.  HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA.  If they want the rule of law, this observer is 12 feet tall.  HA, HA, HA, HA.


By the way, this observer believes that the DEEP STATE and RINO establishment politicians, donors, pundits and media have supported the Democratic tactics listed above. No wonder this country is in such a mess.  Today we do not have the rule of law and equal justice for all, so it sure looks like that if we wait for the politicians to clean up this mess, it will never be done.  By the way, aren’t the lawyers making tons of money representing the criminals and illegals?  When will the American public tire of all this political and media corruption and decide that since the government is not cleaning up the mess, they will?  If and when they start, they may also include fixing the illegal immigration problem.  Remember, the Founders in their wisdom created a militia in our Constitution which reads as follows:


15: To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress insurrections and repel Invasions;[2]


16: To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;[3]


The Democratic Party along with their Republican allies are trying to use the crooked departments of the federal government weaponized by the previous administration to execute a coup d’etat (an insurrection). Those planners must be identified, arrested, convicted and executed before they do more damage to our country.  This observer recommends that the government fix the problem now before the public decides to do so.

[1] www.britannica.com/topic/gross-domestic-product

[2] United States Constitution, Article I, Section 8, List item 15

[3] United States Constitution, Article I, Section 8, List item 16

Ernie Kanak

No thank you