When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


If you don’t know that there is a problem, how can you solve it? Do politicians fear the solutions proposed in my little book?  Read it and find out.  The book can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public must be able to change government activity at any time during the election cycle. See proposed Revised Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (3/19/2017 post)




The Republican Party is being duped again by the Democrats. The Mueller witch hunt is nothing more than an effort to cover up criminal activity committed during the 2016 election and the Uranium One sale.  The Republicans seem to be buying witch hunt delays hook, line and sinker.  Mueller is trying to run out the statute of limitations clock on Uranium One to save Clinton, himself and his buddy Rod Rosenstein.  The outlaws don’t want to go to jail or be executed for coup d’etat planning.


The Republicans in Congress must act and do something besides talking and start action to abolish the Justice Department and FBI. It is up to the honest rank and file in these departments to take action TODAY to try to save these departments and their jobs.  Absent full transparency and accountability, these departments are so corrupt that they must be abolished.  Since we do not have equal justice for all now, we don’t have a Justice Department now.  The Fumbling Bureau of Insurrection or Incompetence has been so weaponized by the last administration and FBI directors that it may not be able to be saved, so abolish it.  State courts and law enforcement will have to pick up the slack until new departments with honest staffs can be created.


President Trump must also do his part to clear the air. He must try to recruit as many trustworthy former Justice Department and FBI employees as possible and temporarily rehire them for a short term single task.  After regaining the security clearances they once held, these patriots would be tasked with reading all FBI and Justice Department correspondence to redact only classified material before President Trump declassifies that material and makes it public.  No names should be redacted.  THE PUBLIC MUST KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON BEFORE WE HAVE A “HUNGER GAMES” TYPE REBELION OR WORSE—VIGILANTE JUSTICE.  The longer politicians play games with the truth, it is this observer’s opinion that we get closer to violent anarchy instead of a constitutional militia putting down this insurrection. We have an excuse for an Attorney General and entire federal departments who only worry about themselves instead of our country, so the future is likely to become more dangerous.


Ernie Kanak

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