When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce these principles. To give the American voter the ability at any time during the election cycle to make changes necessary to control how we are governed, we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth—not propaganda (see 2/1/2018 post). The existing mainstream personnel are no longer broadcasters but are now propaganda ministers.


My book has more suggestions on ways to fix our government. It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.




Some news anchors have consistently reported that the rank and file members of the FBI are not a problem. This observer disagrees with any statement that implies that all rank and file members are loyal patriots.


What these anchors seem to be forgetting is that many FBI agents quit or were fired during the Obama Administration. Ex- President Obama was and is always politically motivated.  You can rest assured that any member of the federal bureaucracy hired by his administration was vetted to make sure that he or she agreed with the Obama left wing political philosophy.  Many of these persons are still in the federal bureaucracy.  Therefore, while there may still be some non-political members of the federal bureaucracy, after eight years of Obama, it is difficult to believe that their numbers are more than just a few.  The only way to cleanse the bureaucracy is to fire every member of each politically weaponized bureau or department.  Rehiring of properly vetted persons could be done by trusted President Trump loyalists.  It is this observer’s opinion that all federal bureaus and departments were politically weaponized by the Obama Administration.



Ernie Kanak

No thank you