When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce these principles. This is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


The biggest joke of this year is the Democratic Party calling for the return to the rule of law. The Democrats ignored the rule of law when a Special Counsel was appointed without any of the required evidence of a crime being committed.  All Democratic appointed judges including Supreme Court Justices ignore recusal when a conflict of interest is evident.   The Democrats paid for manufactured false evidence in order to spy on President Trump’s campaign with Fisa Court approval.  The Special Counsel was in charge of the FBI while the FBI was weaponized by the Obama Administration.  In 2016 the Democrats nominated for President of the United States an candidate that the whole world could see from the evidence presented on TV that she was an unindicted criminal.  The fix was in.  Why are the Democrats covering up the murder of Seth Rich using the dirty Washington DC cops and corrupt politicians?  What about Uranium One sale of 20% America’s uranium supply to the Russians and the Clinton connection?  This observer’s opinion is that the Democratic Party politicians and judges are so corrupt that they are evil and in their efforts to regain power and control are trashing the rule of law and endangering the security and future of this nation.


Why is it that our schools do not have perimeter security such as TV surveillance and fences (with motion detection to detect intruders), limited entry points with detection technology (metal detectors) and armed protectors inside each school to keep our kids and school staff safe when this security package is possible and can be done TODAY? Guns kill but only when used by a person.  Entitlement and political correctness—censorship—supported by the school administrations and teachers unions are the reasons some young people think that they have the right to kill.  Every person advocating more gun control who has a firearm or armed security protection and is not a 100% gun free person or group is a scum covered hypocrite.


The Justice Department and AG Jeff Sessions are a cruel joke and a DEEP STATE organization. AG Sessions is more concerned with his reputation than restoring integrity to his department.  His inaction proves he doesn’t give a damn about this country.  He ignores and covers up Democratic criminal activity.  The rule of law and equal justice under the law will never happen under his administration.  HE MUST GO.  If vigilante justice begins in this country, he will be one of the reasons why.


The Mueller gang exists only to execute a coup d’etat. Sure looks like the Deputy AG is an active member of this group.  This group must be investigated for planning a coup d’etat.  Upon conviction, all coup d’etat members must be executed.


The Democrats do not want another Special Counsel because that person would still be on the job investigating no matter who wins the 2018 election. The Democrats do not want the truth to be known.  Hopefully President Trump’s team can figure out a way to get another Special Counsel appointed.  It would really help if Justice Department rank and file would declare themselves to be whistleblowers and testify against the department outlaws at every level.  As long as they stay silent, the whole department will remain suspect and will not be trusted by the public.


It is this observer’s opinion that current law does not adequately protect whistleblowers. They need to be compensated 1-3 million dollars upon verification of their evidence so that they can avoid future job discrimination and disappear to start a new life after having served their country.  If you think that 1-3 million dollars is too much money to fix a problem, how much money do you think is disappearing into the pockets of the crooked and dishonest politicians and bureaucrats?


During his administration, ex-President Barack Obama declared that he wanted to visit all 57 states—but there are only 50. Now he is on the record saying that the world would be a better place if there were a million Barack Obamas.  Really??  Really??

Ernie Kanak

No thank you