When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability and transparency are absolute necessities for government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce these principles. This is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth—not propaganda (see 2/1/2018 post).


My book The Way I See It has more info on how to fix our government.  It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.



President Trump is hated by all establishment politicians because he has and is currently proving that political leaders are accountable to the voters and that campaign promises can be kept. The President is hated by the corrupt mainstream media because he routinely bypasses them and makes them irrelevant by communicating directly with the people using his Twitter account.  How can they distort and change what he says when everyone can read it—although they keep trying to do so every day.  Observation shows us that the corrupt media are doing their level best to sabotage everything the President does or says.  “What goes around comes around” and they will in due time become more and more irrelevant.


Now for the mid-term elections, every politician running for office must be held accountable to the best interests of the Constitution and country first and then their constituency. This can be accomplished by making every candidate sign a legal accountability contract that stipulates that, if elected, the politician agrees to be recalled and resign from office upon losing a special election initiated by a constituent petition and a special election—one or more of which can be held at any time after the general election.  Candidate failure to sign any accountability contract informs the public that the candidate does not want to be held accountable.  Do you Mr. and Mrs. American voter want to be represented by anyone like that?  If you say yes, you are insane and don’t deserve good government.  Since it appears that half of the U.S. population gets their news from mainstream propaganda media sources, half of this country’s voters are insane to varying degrees because they probably voted in 2016 for an unindicted criminal to be President of the United States.  So dumb and so sad!!


What do you do when no one signs an accountability contract? You go to war against the current political system.  It will take a war attitude to be effective and get what you want—which is an honest politician who wants to be elected to actually fight the system to improve the country and help his constituents.  It may be too late to find a true Independent who has no party allegiance and does not want any.  As long as that person signs a legal accountability contract, that person’s supporters must do what it is necessary in terms of phone calls, newspaper and TV ads, leaflets, etc. to promote the candidate.


If it is too late to place an independent on the ballot, then a write-in candidate is your only choice. To be effective, you will need to convince the voters that voting for a Democrat or RINO is throwing your vote away.  Both parties will spend a lot of money to smear any independent or write-in candidate.  That is just how the dirty politics of today works.  Be prepared to fight this with a true grassroots organization that goes out into the public to inform the public of why they should vote for your candidate.  Distributing leaflets can be an effective and inexpensive way to get your message out.  Be sure to point out the political bias of the newspapers and TV stations and the recent track record of Democratic and RINO politicians.  If the voter is smart, this information will be duly noted.  If the voters are fascist/communist lovers, don’t waste your time with them.  They are part of the problem.  They are brain dead and will never change their minds.


On term limits, if your current local, state and federal representatives are reformists seeking smaller less costly government with less regulation and more individual freedom, then perhaps that person deserves your vote. Lacking such qualifications, enforce term limits by rejecting any incumbent politician who has been in office for more than two terms or six years.  Long term politicians oppose progress and only vote to preserve the status quo (THE SWAMP).


Comrade Bernie Sanders will promise free everything if he runs for President again. The young people of this country who have been indoctrinated by their teachers in school want free everything without recognizing that free everything will bankrupt the country and turn this country into a banana republic.  The teachers and their unions have not been held accountable to the voters so the quality of education delivered continues to deteriorate.  Do the teachers really care about the country as long as they get their pensions?  Do they dumb down everything instead of intellectually challenging their students?  The answers are yes.


The Obama Administration convinced too many people that a college education is a must. Will a college grad be able to fix his air conditioner, repair plumbing or clogged sewer lines or fix an electrical problem without calling in a technician?  The answer for most of them is no.  Maybe those college degrees will pay dividends in today’s economy approaching full employment.  Did the government sell these young people a bill of goods to get them to incur debt when thousands of high paying skilled labor jobs go unfilled due to lack of qualified applicants?  The answer is yes.  These jobs come without incurring any student loan debt.


Many of the jurisdictional problems we have today are due to ignoring the following original Bill of Rights 16th Amendment [1] which was never approved.


“The powers delegated by the constitution to the government of the United States, shall be exercised as therein appropriated, so that the legislature shall never exercise the powers vested in the executive or judicial; nor the executive the powers vested in the legislative or judicial; nor the judicial the powers vested in the legislative or executive”.[2]


You will note that in recent years that the executive and judicial branches have exercised powers they do not have while the legislature has abdicated their legislative responsibilities by letting the executive issue regulations that become law. This is bad government.  No wonder no one respects the Congress.  They are always on vacation.  With so little time spent and so little accomplished, is it time to start paying Congress part time pay with benefits only when in session?




[2] Ibid

Ernie Kanak

No thank you