When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


My book The Way I See It has more info on how to fix our government.  It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.



To operate a motor vehicle in each state every driver must have a driver’s license with his or her photo identification. These head and shoulder photos are routinely made each time a driver’s license is renewed.


If every state required a head and shoulder photo with the voter’s name attached to be made for every voter prior to casting a ballot, there would be a record of everyone who voted. This procedure is simple, fast and easy to implement.  After the election, every photo would be scanned by facial recognition software to determine if that person voted illegally.  All write-in ballots should be verified as received because the easiest way for dead people and people who have moved out of district to vote is by someone sending in a write-in ballot.


Those states that refuse to use this procedure are telling the world that they tolerate and/or promote voter fraud. This procedure should be used for all states because it is possible for illegal voters to vote under different names using a photo ID.  A backup copy of these voter photos must be made to discourage “lost and missing” data.  Any discrepancies in these records require them to be impounded and stored under lock and key until resolution is reached.  All voter fraud convictions of a voter or election official must require a minimum 10 year prison sentence.  Prevention not punishment is the goal.


Ernie Kanak

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