When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability is an absolute necessity for all government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce accountability and this is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


The American written and TV media must be strictly regulated in an effort to insure that the news they issue is the truth (see 2/1/2018 post)


My book The Way I See It has more info on how to fix our government.  For $5 you can buy and download a PDF copy from Outskirts  It can be found on the internet at The Way I See It by Ernest Kanak Jr.



Mr. President, now that the Omnibus bill crafted by four corrupt politicians is now law, maybe it is time for you to repay them. The Democrats and establishment Republicans have sabotaged your administration from day one.  Together they have forged an alliance to inhibit your ability to govern with false accusations of Russian collusion—which legal commentators have agreed that collusion is not a crime.  In addition, they and their saboteur comrades in the federal bureaucracy have covered up crimes and delayed your attempts to properly staff the government.


Since you now do not have the constitutional authority to overturn the law, maybe you need to return the favor of slow walking and obstruction. May I suggest that all of those appropriations with which you do not agree—and this observer is not a constitutional authority—be released very slowly in small amounts.  If there is no time limit on when all the monies must be dispersed, then those payments could be spread out until you leave office.  As long as you release funds, you would be following the law.  The funds reduction would be done to help reduce the budget deficit until the remaining funds must be spent and the increased tax revenues from the tax cut begin to be received by the Treasury.  The benefits of this tactic would be plainly obvious to everyone.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you