When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Accountability is an absolute necessity for all government activity, so the American public—not the politicians–must be the party to enforce accountability and this is why we need an Accountability Amendment to our Constitution (see 3/19/2017 post)


The question is: Is the FISA court a real court or just a rubber stamp for the government spying on all Americans?  The court’s history is that they have approved over 98% of all requests.  If this were an election and one candidate received over 98% of the votes, there would be widespread accusations of voter fraud.  In this observer’s opinion, the same conclusion can be reached here.  While there may not always be fraud, this court provides zero protection to all citizens from intrusive government spying and ignores the Fourth Amendment supposedly in the interest of protecting national security. Baloney!!  Where is the accountability of this court to the American people and to our Constitution?


Now due to the court’s lack of due diligence, they are rightfully involved in a constitutional crisis which questions the trustworthiness of the federal courts—which already since President Trump’s election have demonstrated that they do not care about constitutionality but only political activism. Scum bags all.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you