When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


The rats in the FBI, Justice Department, intelligence agencies and IRS just to name a few have created a constitutional crisis. Saboteurs are saboteurs no matter where in the government that they work.  It appears that our Attorney General and some Republican members of Congress still wet their pants when it becomes necessary to confront the Democratic scum for what they are—corrupt  government employees and un-American saboteurs trying to overthrow a duly elected government.  These wet their pants Republicans suffer from shifting brain disease which prevents them from intelligent thinking.


All persons no matter what their current or former status conspiring to overthrow the Trump presidency are traitors who must arrested, prosecuted and upon conviction executed. Holding hands with saboteurs and providing them with free room, board and healthcare is insane.  Persons favoring leniency are insane.  Sentencing must be so severe that in the future no one will ever consider trying to do this again—prevention not punishment is the goal.


The President needs to put the needs of the country ahead of his ego. If necessary, address the out-of-control Mueller witch hunt by answering written submitted questions.  The people of this country do not need a constitutional crisis for next three years because the President made a dumb ass mistake in testimony.  We need the President to clean up the mess Obama and the Democrats have purposely created and commonly referred to as the Deep State.


This observer’s major concern is that disregard for the rule of law and the lack of prosecution of the avalanche of government corruption will cause the public to lose their patience and then they will decide to fix the problem their way—whatever that may be.



Ernie Kanak

No thank you