When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Recent news has just informed the American public that the FBI and Justice Department colluded to cover up senior level FBI and Justice Department conspiracies to protect Hillary Clinton and then prosecute the Trump campaign and administration. Is this why the Democrats were so concerned with Christopher Wray stating his independence?  Has Director Wray tarnished his appointment and should he resign?  Dirty cops have no place in the FBI if the FBI wishes to try to restore any creditability.  It is common knowledge that corrupt FBI officials have not been fired when evidence shows they have conflicts of interest and are not politically impartial.  Right now the FBI and Justice Department are scum filled with lawless members.  Attorney General Sessions has done nothing to clean up the mess and, while he may be a good man, he may also be unfit to serve as this country’s attorney general because of his failure to prosecute corruption in these two agencies.  If no one can be trusted, fire those not trusted and hire people that you can trust to honestly serve the public and this nation.


Robert Mueller is running a corrupt Democratic witch hunt and is unfit to serve as Special Counsel.

Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller and has done nothing to control his out-of-control Special Counsel and therefore he is unfit to serve as Deputy Attorney General.

James Comey needs to be arrested for breaking the law.

There must be evidence that there will be equal justice under the law.


To stay as FBI Director, Christopher Wray must prove he is honestly serving his country and is not a Deep State advocate. Time is of the essence, so this determination must be made in weeks.


If the American public wants equal justice under the law, harass your three members of congress until they stop going on vacation and fix the system NOW!!!!!!! Inaction means becoming a slave to your government.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you