When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


Since the middle 1990s, business and government in the United States have discriminated against the white male solely because of his race and gender. It was wrong then and since it has continued to this day, it is wrong now.


In the 1990s, the races were still trying to follow Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” Race relations became worse during the Obama Administration and that trend continues today.  One bad feature of 1990s was that in the black community, a good education was considered a white man’s trait and therefore many blacks discriminated against a good education.  Sadly, that idea may still persist since too many blacks are undereducated and cannot qualify for the better higher paying jobs because they do not have the necessary education.  So companies, schools and government discriminate against whites to meet minority quotas by lowering the standards.  In this day of international competition, how do you compete to produce a product using lower standards?  It didn’t work for the American car industry.  In fairness to the blacks, this lowering of standards is used to qualify all minorities and women.  In almost every case, instead of working with disadvantaged workers to increase their ability to meet the high standards, Democrats and liberals have lowered the standards.  It should be noted that the Anarchist Supreme Court has approved this unconstitutional discrimination.


Why do Oriental workers not need lower standards to become successful? Could it be because they value education and are willing to work to meet the higher standards?


During the 1990s, a good job was one that allowed people to buy a home and raise a family.  While many people did not like factory jobs because many were boring and repetitive, the pay was sufficient to have a home and family.  Today hundreds of thousands jobs go unfilled because the employer canot find enough qualified workers.  It seems to this observer that the Obama Administration and Democrats convinced millions of young people that they must have a college education.  They did not want to work with their hands and do dirty jobs.  Since shop courses are no longer offered in high schools, how does a young person become a skilled carpenter, plumber, AC technician, etc.?  For your information, our economy will not function without these skilled workers.


So the college grads listened to the government and now are trying to pay off college loans instead of earning a good salary with no college debt. Did they select a profession for which there is demand and pays enough to live comfortably and pay off college loans?  How many voters are Senator Bernie Sanders and the Democrats trying to collect by offering free college educations when the whole world knows nothing is free?


Today there are many members of the black community who are working hard to improve race relations and help the black community improve their lives. Sadly, too many of them face discrimination from the black community.  Is this the America everyone wants?


With the rise in sexual discrimination, the white male is now characterized on TV as a bumbling fool kowtowing to the woman in his life. On TV, the women experts now outnumber the male experts presumably due to their superior knowledge and intellect.  Are there good female analysts?  Yes.  Are there bad female analysts?  Yes.  Do you believe that all female analysts are better than all male analysts?  If you believe that you will believe that this observer is twelve feet tall.  The bottom line is that the females have the jobs and the white males do not.


The Anarchist US Supreme Court currently has six justices who are unfit to be on the court. They are unfit because they are making law by pursuing a political agenda instead of impartially interpreting the Constitution.  We have a Congress which if the Constitution is followed states “all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States”.  In the 1950s, the Warren Supreme Court started using the court to promote political activism–making law instead of interpreting the Constitution.  Since the Congress does not have the political will to impeach these justices, a Revised Accountability Amendment (March 19, 2017 post) would let the American public decide how they wish to be governed and by whom.


The Supreme Court has allowed discrimination against segments of our population to benefit minorities instituting minority rule instead of majority rule. How is our country made better by discriminating against one segment of our population in favor of another?  If a minority segment is disadvantaged, would it not be better to have found another way to help them?  All discrimination is not fair and must be unconstitutional.  Unfit judges make unconstitutional decisions.


Judicial discrimination leads people to consider themselves entitled. Many times entitlement could lead to excessive expectations.  What happens when excessive expectations are not met?  Does it precipitate violence?


In spite of discrimination in favor of minorities, it has been reported that life in the black community has not improved. Why have they not benefited?  Politics.  Who wants to invest money to provide jobs in a community with a high crime rate and drug use?  Many young people lack a good education due to poor schools.  As a business person, would you hire someone with a poor education and an entitlement attitude who may or may not show up to work every day?  Why do the good black people who live and vote in a community continue to vote for black and white politicians who do nothing to improve their community?  When are they going to demand that their politicians be accountable?  Haven’t their communities become more and more violent in recent years?  How has discrimination helped?


It is difficult to see any improvement in society since judicial discrimination began. In recent years discrimination against conservative white males has created entitlement in favor of females and minorities.  Increased racial division and economic class warfare have increased random violence in society.  These conditions combined with ineffective and poor political leadership have degraded the quality of life in this country.  Maybe it is time for this continue country’s sheriffs to start rounding up and deputizing a posse to fix the problem.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you